Tagged by SehunsYeobo

Rule 1: Post the rules!
Rule 2:  Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones!
Rule 3: Tag 5 people and link them to this post!
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them!

Tagged Questions

1. Are you your bias' ideal type? If not, what are their ideal type?

Probably not. Idk.

2. How did you know Kpop?

My friend.

3. Do you own any kpop posters or albums? If yes, what is it?

I own an EXO poster.

4. What race are you? 


5. What song are you listening to?

AKMU's Melted

6. Are you taken? LOL.

No! LOL :P

7. What is you ultimate Kpop group(s)?

*gets long sheet of paper*

8. Did you ever had a girlfriend/boyfriend?


9. What do you think of me? (Besides cute. -_-)

You're cool to chat with. ^^

10. Am I an AWESOME noona/dongsaeng/unnie?

YUS!! ^^

Tagged by SehunsYeobo


People I'm tagging







My questions:

1. If you were to become an idol, which company would you sign to?

2. If you were to switch lives with a kpop idol, who would you do it with?

3. You stumbled upon a genie in a lamp, what would you wish for?

4. Do you have a catch phrase? What is it? 

5. First kpop group you ever heard of?

6. Do you like to read? If so, what's your favorite book?

7. When is the time you look your best?

8. Favorite color?

9. Describe AFF in one word.

10. Describe me in one word.




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Aww~ Shank kyu unnie!
iloveulove #2
YAY, thank you! ^^