{ pierced } app 2 || Oh Nana

AFF's username: nanachirisuu

AFF's profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/17578


General information. 

~ Name: Oh Nana

~ Nick name: Bubbly Ahjumma

~ Stage name: Nana

~ Date of birth: July 31st, 1991 [20]

~ Place of birth: Busan, South Korea

~ Language(s) spoken: Korean & Busan Dialect.

~ Height: 161 cm

~ Weight: 50 kg

~ Ethnicity: Korean



~ Style on dressing: Nana is 100% a farmer girl. She was raised in a farm, where the only thing to wear would be overalls and boots. But now that the little chick from the farm has grown up and moved to Seoul, she's slowly opening up to fashion. Though she still has her care-free style, she's known as the Fashion Terrorist. Nana is often confused of the latest fashion, and ends up wearing her own style. Usually, on days when she's running errands, she'll be seen in layers of everyday clothes. Usually, when she is practising, she'll be dressed in something that is entirely for comfort, like an old tracksuit shirt, shorts, leggings, anything that allows her to move well. Nana loves animal hoodies, so whenever she's going out shopping or anything, she'll be wearing something cute and fluffy. When she's at the dorm, any old t-shirt will be fine. She's the queen of tacky t-shirts. Nana basically wears whatever she has, whether it's gumboots from her old farming days, or the first dress that she's ever bought. She usually gets scolded by her manager for being so care-free.

~ 5 pictures of yourself: 1 2 3 4

~ Name of the Ulzzang: Lee Eun Ji


Personal information.

~ Personality: Nana's personality will definitely be described as hard-working. After being raised on a farm as their 'golden girl', she has a loud, talkative manner that will bring anyone out of their shell. Nana is always smiling, always bright and always happy. Because she can't stand awkward situations, she'll try to fill up the silence with her endless chatter. She really dislikes spoiled people, girls who wear five million dollar shoes just for one night. She likes to save money, and is grateful for even a tiny bit of food.

She's not neccesarily your aegyo filled princess, but she's naturally cute because of her smile and laugh. Nana is a people-person, a girl who will talk to anyone about anything. Her favourite thing in the world is chickens! When she was younger, she had a chicken on the farm named Jiji, until she unknowingly had it for dinner. Since then, Nana doesn't eat chicken anymore. Nana believes she can do anything if she puts her mind to it, even become a world-famous superstar. She is extremely stubborn, and once she sets her mind to it, it'll happen. 

Nana is the queen of bargains. She'll bargain like a cheap ahjumma over small things like candy, and can work her way through anything. Nana's awkward as a girl. On the farm, there was no need to wear high heels, so she can barely walk in them. Showing her skin seems to flashy, and she'll be uncomfortable in anything but pants. She's really old-fashioned, and her best friend is a cow.

Sometimes, she'll be weird and strange. Imagine living with a girl who named and talked to over 500 animals of different species, who speaks to the crops to make it grow faster and sings while showering. She's always happy, and her talent is her ability to make anyone smile. Nana isn't picky at all. Give her beans to eat for dinner, and she'll eat beans. Tell her to lose 5 kg, and she will. But the only problem is that Nana won't stop at all until she finishes the task at hand. And she won't stop until she's done her best. She isn't exactly competitive, but she does always try her hardest.

Nana doesn't procrastinate easily. She's an early riser, a girl who woke up with the crows, who cooks breakfast early. Another one of her traits--she's an excellent cook. Nana usually cooked for a family of 8, so she gained some skills being the only female sibling. She loves nature and animals, and when she's feeling tired or pissed off, a walk in the park would do her good.

She is a tough weed, a strong snail who'll catch up to everyone despite the circumstances! Nana may not be the best dancer in Pierced, she may not be the cutest or best-looking, but she'll work as hard as anybody else. Nana often practices late at night, usually when everyone's gone, to perfect the dance moves by herself. 

Her mother said that when she was born, she was born with the mouth of ten people. She'll bombard you with questions like, 'Why are pickles green?' or 'Do you like pie?' just to fill the silence. She's very curious of everything, and doesn't know when to keep shut. Because of her big mouth though, Nana loves to sing. She used to sing to the cows while she milked them, she sang to her chickens and her sheep, she sang until she decided to go audition and fufill her dreams. 

She's not a girly girl at all, she's not a diva and she's not afraid of anything. After all, she's the girl who cleaned up horse , the girl who helped give birth to babies of all species, the girl who caught chickens and snakes and doesn't mind the smell of sheep's poo.


~ Likes:
- chickens
- comfortable pants
- cooking
- eating, alot
- karaoke
- annoying people with her endless chatter
- animals
- comedies
- fruit
- anime
- little kids
- noisy atmostpheres
- earning things
- money
- convenience stores
- bugs
- smiles
- tall boys
- girl power
- all kinds of sport
- crackers/snacks
- drama
- free things
- sales
- sunny days
- vegetables, especially leek

~ Dislikes:
- picky people
- silences
- fake aegyo
- being away from her loved ones
- not going out for a long time
- diets
- snobby people
- expensive things
- perfume
- itchy wigs
- rainy days


~ Habits:
- scratches her thighs when she is nervous
- speaking in dialect 
- talking too much
- sweaty palms
- laughing in serious moments
- missing small details
- blinks too much
- acting tough
- when she's happy she does celebratory dances
- being too stubborn
- screams like a dolphin when scared
- ties her hair back when she's about to do something important
- hitting people while laughing

~ Special talent:
- gag acts
- guitar
- is good with animals
- trot songs
- ahjumma version of dances

~ Hobbies:
- fishing
- waking everyone up at five a.m.
- watching dramas
- talking to animals
- digging out crops
- going out on sunny days
- doing sports
- cooking
- making her own clothes/stuffed toys
- going shopping for food
- eating out

~ Phobia: No phobias.


Stage information. 

~ Position: Main Vocalist or Lead Vocalist

~ State why you deserve to the that position: Nana is the girl with a sweet, yet husky voice. She has amazing control over her voice, and she wants to, can sound extremely powerful. She's been singing in the farm for years, going to karaokes when she has money, and basically loved singing as a child. When she auditioned, she decided she wanted to sing, no matter what it took. She can go to amazing lengths, and is better at high notes than low ones. She has a soprano vocal range, and has a clear, husky voice.

~ Personal fan club name: BaNanas


Back ground:

~ Something about your past/childhood: Nana is the daughter of the richest farm in Busan, Oh Farm. Her family from her father's side all owned the farm over many generations, though, rather than inheriting it, Nana ventured into the entertainment business. At first, when she decided she wanted to sing, her father, Oh Jungmin, disagreed. He told her to stay on the farm, and help them with the many animals they had.

But instead, Nana went to Seoul to audition for Woollim, passing the audition with flying colours. She passed all the rounds, and was eventually accepted as a trainee. Her mother, Lee Maerin, convinced her father to allow Nana to fight for her dreams as a singer.

Since it was difficult for her to work on the farm and train and study all at once, Nana woke up early and slept late. By the time she was fifteen, she'd go to school for part of the morning, then take a train to Woollim Ent's company in Seoul, only to take another train back to Busan by night. This continued for five years, until she was finally ready to debut with Pierced.

~ Back ground family:
Oh Jungmin and Lee Maerin met when they were young. Maerin was a rich girl, and Jungmin was a farmer. They met one day, when Maerin's father was entering the farm for a business enquiry, and to buy more vegetables for the company. Jungmin's father and Maerin's father became good friends, but not enough to have their children date. Ignoring their parents disagreements, they eloped, and Maerin gave birth to Yongchul. Shortly after that, they were married, and Maerin ran away to live with Jungmin forever. After Yongchul's birth came Yonggak, then the twins, Yongjun and Yongjin, then Yongsik and finally Nana.

Even though they grew older, their love never faded, and Nana grew up with a loving family. They fed her well, and made sure her older brothers looked after her.

~ Tell me something about your dad: Oh Jungmin is as stubborn and hardworking as his daughter. He is old-fashioned like Nana, and always thinks farmlife is the best, as he grew up there and never left. He's 52 years old, and is strict but has a soft spot for his baby girl. He's every embarrassing father times one hundred, always following Nana and checking what she's up to.

~ Tell me something about your mum: Lee Maerin is the dignified daughter from a prestigious business company. However, she fell in love with a farmer, and since then, her fortune's been great. She's 49, a loving mother, who doesn't work as hard as Jungmin does, but does her fair share around the farm. She too, got used to the smell of cow dung, shedding sheep and picking out the crops. 

~ Tell me something about your siblings:

Yongchul is the oldest brother, and is therefore the most responisble. He is inheriting the farm. He's 28 and already married, living with his wife in the farm after Nana left. His wife's name is Soona, and she's 28 as well. He's a strong and buff brother, who's always looking out for Nana as if she's his child.

Yonggak is the second oldest brother, he's 27, and the biggest diva of them all. He works around the farm as well, but would rather spend his time chasing guys (yes, he is gay), than cleaning up poo. Even Nana works more than him. Right now he's also in line for the farm, working with Yongchul and his wife, even though he'd rather not.

Yongjun and Yongjin are the twins. They are playful and always teasing Nana. They are both 25, and are the biggest play boys out. Yongjun is the older twin by 2 minutes, but they are identical. They too, like Nana, want to become idols. They've been going to numerous auditions, and have made it as trainees at YG, hopefully they'll debut soon.

Yongsik is the second youngest in the family, but the closest to Nana's age. He is 24 this year, but he's still a baby. He's a procrastinator, a lazy baby who is always eating. He's usually growing the vegetables, not working with the animals. 


Relationship status.

~ Lover:
[1]: Kim Myungsoo
[2]: Lee Sungyeol 

~ Love storyline with your bias:

  1. Kim Myungsoo - At first he acts cold towards Nana, and looks at her like another nuisance, another face to look past. But he finds himself strangely attracted to her, he ends up always trying to shut up her, but when she's not talking, wanting her to blabber again. He treats her like a puppy at first, a stray dog who is really, really annoying. But even cold princes grow used to Nana's smile. 
    He starts to like her talking, likes her ahjumma attitude, and her hardworking personality. And unknowingly, he begins to fall for her. One time he even shuts her up with a kiss. :3

  2. Lee Sungyeol - He and Nana have similiar personalities, and usually they are fighting. He thinks she's cute and hits on her alot, even though she's not buying it. For a long time, she looks at him like a friend, until one day, she realises she's in love.

~ Describe your bias personality during the story:

  1. Kim Myungsoo - He isn't the cold-hearted prince that everyone makes him out to be. But he does have quite a temper, yells alot and gets frustrated easily. He has alot of aegyo that is really surprising, and is as weird as Nana is sometimes. Even though L is mostly all looks, his voice is absolutely captivating. Sometimes he is really cold to people he doesn't like or trust, but when it comes to Nana, he likes to play with her alot, almost like a cat with his toy.
  2. Lee Sungyeol - A playful choding, a boy who always teases Nana. He finds her cute and easy to bully, so he's always teasing her or making her laugh. Since the beginning his found her cute, and once he hears that she's as talkative as she is, they're quick friends.

~ Do you want your storyline with your bias included with rated scenes: Sure, I don't mind!

~ Rival:
Lee Soonkyu (Sunny), SNSD - They're both idols who are known to be very outdoors-y. They can both catch chickens, and are both farming-idols. Nana is determined to become a better variety character than Sunny on the show 'Invincible Youth'. 

~ Best friend:

Mir (MBLAQ) - They are extremely good friends. They're both farmers, and often talk about their animals, the vegetables and ginseng that they both grow. Their parents are also acquantainces, old friends who both own rich farms. They're always goofing around each other, and teasing each other. Mir and Nana have very similar personalities and interests, making them even closer. [Can Nana be in a love triangle with L/Sungyeol and Mir, please? :D]


Additional Info:
- Nana's favourite vegetable is leek.
- She is on the show 'Invincible Youth Season 2'
- She loves the colour pink and yellow
- Most people say she's like 'sunshine' with her happiness
- Nana is most popular around elementary students
- She is known as Busan's Princess
- Her favourite thing in the world is her farm pets
- She keeps a photo album of her family and the farm
- She always says she can speak 2 languages, Korean and Busan Dialect
- She wants to marry young, around early 20's
- Nana believes in fairy-tale princes and perfect guys
- She graduated high school, and wants to start college
- Nana majors in Performing Arts and Chemistry
- She has more ahjumma pants than dresses
- She trips easily
- When she was five, Nana cut her arm on a sharp swing set, and she has a jagged scar
- She really likes jelly beans, and food in general
- Nana will sing to anything
- Her favourite genre is trot
- Her ideal guy is someone who's cute and mysterious
- Nana loves Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty
- When she was younger, she wanted to grow up to be a ballerina, then a firefighter, and then a singer



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