My story has to wait...

Yeah, so I've come to the conclusion that I have to put my story on hold, because I don't have any freetime at the moment.

Things are happening, and I need to sort it out before even thinking about writing again.

I might as well say, that I've gotten ill. And I need to take a break from... Well, everything for a while, as I recover.

And don't go thinking it's something serious, like cancer or something, it's not something incurable and ever-lasting, but it can be quite serious while it's still going on, so I just need a break.

So have a still merry christmas and a happy new year, and I'll be back soon! Definitely!

Love you all! Saranghae! Aieru! Wo Ai Ni! Elsker Dere!

Last one's Norwegian, by the way. xD


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