


Hey, guys! Umm, well, welcome to my blog!! This is actually my first time doing this blog actually, hope everybody can give this blog a try, pretty please?

/puppy eyes/ 

Let's get to the main idea, so, this blog is my place to tell you guys about my upcoming update and some new story sypnosis and everything. Well, if this blog fail, I can't do anything about it. At here, I can also tell some of my ideas for some stories, if you need anything, just comment or PM me!

/take a 'I am available' poster, walk around/

I can also help you guys as a co-author. I am still new, and please help me to be a better author.

/bows/  /closed curtain and bids goodbye/ /throws a thousands of roses/


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Good luck on your stories, fellow author :)
/waves a "I can help you anytime bro" banner/