kairos academy's campus map

baseball field: field of grass for baseball games/practices.
basketball court: a court for basketball games/practices.
cafeteria: lunchroom where free food is served.
classrooms: rooms for classes.
dance studio: a room for dance practice.
dorms: separated into 3 sections for female students, male students, and faculty/staff.
entrance:  entrance gate.
green house:  for the gardening club.
gym: for indoor p.e. activities.
food court: (1) small cafe, (2) mini fast food restaurant, (3) candy shop, (4)chinese take-out.
football field: field of grass for football games/practices.
fountain:  a  decoration to make the school look pretty.
library: contains a collection of books, also a very quiet place for studying.
locker room: divided into two sections for female and male students to change before and after p.e.
music room: for music club.
nurse's office: if you need medical attention, you can find the nurse here.
pool: for swimming.
principal's office: a really important place where you should drop off donuts!
quad 1:  features benches.
quad 2: features outdoor lunch tables.
stadium: an arena with seats for watching football games, etc.
student store: for school supply needs.
track: for any athletes to run.
theater: for drama club to practice in, also for performances, etc.


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