Truth about my fics

So i am terrible at starting my fics off as u can see but im trying to work on that and fix them but even if the beginnings are terrible and boring (i hate them too right now) ill try to fix them but the overall plot that will happen, IN ALL MY CHAPTERS FICS, are well thought out and rly good. Sadly, because i take to long to update, none of them (except for a back talkers secret) are showing the start of the REAL PLOT:( which makes me really sad. Because i know they r really good! Like if u guys knew what was going to happen in what he left behind and i ed a vampire and creature forest and all that, then u guys would love them more probably but sadly i am one person who has ONLY COMPLETED READING ONE BOOK IN HER LIFE! ONE BOOK! I dont hv much of an idea on how to write except for a fanfic style:( cuz i get bored halfway or the first few pages in a book i almost finished one other book for school but not entirely. Anyways, this post is just telling/asking you guys to wait for me until i finish a back talkers secret because i plan on finishing all my fics and i just want u guys to know whats in store. Even tho it may not seem like much at first u hv to wait till it rly gets into it and i finish with the inteoduction to the atory cuz i need to work on making those more interesting lol so wait for me guys! I have already 2chapters for i ed a vampire being written with the help of bubsylizzy and the last part of april fools with natasharomanoff and another chapter for a back talkers secret all 4 of those updates r basically almost done^^ so wait for them~ Maybe the updates will be next month? Or this month;) 


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Once you develop your general outline, you can then think about flow for each chapter and determine how you want each chapter to begin and end. Will it be a cliffhanger chapter? Will it be a contemplation chapter? Will the villain make his presence known somewhere in the middle, leaving a small seed of what is to come? ETC.

After that, and as you begin to write, picture each scene in your head. What do you see? What do you hear? Is there a faint smell of roses from a nearby table? Can you hear spring larks tweeting their sweet melody outside in the early morning sun? What does the room look like? Is there a layer of dust on the nearby shelf or is the house sparkling clean? What is your man character wearing? What type of fabric are his clothes? What condition are they in? How does he look? Is his hair beautifully styled or disheveled because he just climbed out of bed? Is he well rested or does he look tired and drained from lack of sleep? ETC.

The more descriptive you are the more the reader is into your universe, the more they fill like a part of the story.

My final suggestion, which is a practice that utilize religiously, is Read Your Story Out Loud to yourself. How does your story sound when read outloud? Does your dialogue sound like something your character would say? Or could he say it better? Should you add a transitional adverb in that sentence to make it sound better or should you re-write it so that is sounds more like the way a person would think? Do you need a pause in the dialogue here or would it be better to have him sigh deeply and recenter/steady himself before he continued talking? Things like that.

Read it over and over until you are truly satisfied with what you have written, post it up, and ALWAYS pay attention to your commenters because they can be an ample source for inspiration. ^_^

I hope my advice helps.
About that; you may take notes from someone who has an as better as possible english vocabulary. Take notes on their techniques -don't copy them, just take notes. If someone has great openings at their stories, pay attention on what they do to achieve that. Honestly though, I believe each author has to -most importantly- love what they write. Fighting author-nim!! :) Good Luck!
I do have a few suggestions for your writing, if you are willing to take them.

The major problem with writing chapter fics, I find, is that you have such a great plot in your head but when you try to write it out, you may tend to not project the feelings/presence that you are going for. I have been writing for many years and I still battle with this myself. So, my first suggestion is to plot out your story's flow, chapter by chapter. As we all did in English class in high school, develop your plot/characters and make an outline of your story.

Think about:

The characters: their back story, family situation, mental stability, personality type, etc.

The set up: whats the premise of the story? Is it a love story? And, if so, what kind of love story? Star-crossed lovers? Destined to be together due to romeo/juliet style tragedy from a past life? Drawn together by mystical/magical forces? etc.

What major plot twist(s) do you want to happen in your story?: Will he have a checkered past that will come back to haunt him? Will he have issues with commitment that will cause major misunderstandings between him and his love interest? Will his destined love walk on him during an awkward situation and misread what he sees? Will he have an accident and almost die? Will he have an epiphany after years of being in denial of his true self and realize that he truly loves his love interest after nearly chasing them away? ETC.

Once you have this figured out and written out:

Develop your outline before you write even one line in the story. Break down the location, scenes, situations, and special dialog you want in each chapter.

*But, also remember to leave yourself some play in your plot line as well. There are times when you start writing a story and a certain scene/scenario may change drastically when you are suddenly hit with inspiration. If you leave yourself with some room for sway, you will be able to adapt quickly.
aenkr28 #4
Wish you luck then, after all it's been a long time. I'll still wait for some of your stories, but please don't make us wait for TOO long. Hope you'll make it. ^ ^