Getting Ready

To make it as short as possible, so I start school again. I take HF subjects of remote teaching and that gives me "plenty of free time outside of the classroom." I actually have so much free time that I have decided to place my bum in South Korea’s capital, Seoul in the next 3-4 months. Obviously, it will be new conditions to get used to, but I’ve been there before, so there will be not so much confusion xD
I probably will not have much time on my PC besides when I have to write essays or if I really have so little to give me. There is a lot of food to be tasted, meetups with penpals and such. Not to mention the many cultural experiences that comes with it.

*HF = Højere forberedelseseksamen (Higher Preparatory Examination) aka Gymnasium.

*Remote Teaching = Online classes and assignments. (No physical attendance required throughout the entire course until the exam)


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Wooah, I'm so excited for you! Make sure that you have as much fun as possible, and that you get to experience life in Korea to the fullest! Have fun, we'll miss you here~