E.G. Tact

TL;DR: Act the way you want to be treated, stupid. 


This is a serious blog post. 

To begin with, I believe that it is very important for people to acknowledge when they've made a mistake and then take ownership of it. In many cases, this means apologizing to the party that was wronged. It usually doesn't have to be anything fancy. From my understanding, taking ownership for one's mistake[s] shows a sense of maturity and respect. It can be argued that those things are among the qualities that make up a decent human being. 

Now, in terms of calling out someone, I believe there are tasteful and disagreeable ways of doing so. A public blog post that criticizes a person in a backhanded manner has poor class, poor taste, and no tact. Those three things are important in some lines of work, professional or not. Without those three things, I believe a person can be questioned about their position in certain manners. In fewer words, their judgement can be and will be questioned. In this world, not many are vocal about it, but I believe that many do think about it. 

While I do realize that these words may be interpreted in a way that seems like a formal attack against some people, I don't have that intention and I am not responsible for any misinterpretations. I am open to any type of discussion on this matter (complaint, comment, etc.).  I am not hiding. 

Ending note: Don't think that people will stay silent and let you get away with things. People usually don't forget. 



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