〈 Singles 〉 • Kwon Sung Yeon


kwon sung yeon

Liltaytay45 • Taylor •  10


the basics.

name » Kwon Sung Yeon

nickname(s) » Giant (cause shes tall and people make fun of her)

age » 23

birthday » April 1, 1992 

birthplace  » Goyang, South Korea

hometown » Goyang, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

language » 

» Korean ( fluency )


blood type » O


face claim » Park Su Eun

backup face claim » Kim Jung Yeon


height & weight » 172 & 63

appearance » 

style » Style1 Style2 She always wears boots of all kinds and has nerd glasses (Basically round glasses ) and love knit sweater dresses.

" Creativity is what helps me escape my inner demons

" So what if i'm a giant freak, at least i'm smart "


the girl next door.

traits » at least 3 positive and 3 negative

personality »  Sung Yeon is known for her smarts when it comes to school, but when it comes to love she knows nothing and doesn't plan on having a boyfriend or so she thinks. She helps her friends with homework if they need anything help on. When something goes wrong she thinks quickly and tries to help.
When it comes to Loyalty, she will be there for any of her friends 100% she'll never turn her back on them and is willing to stand up for them even if it mean causing trouble. She likes to make people laugh even if they have a bad day she tends to cheer up her friends by buying them something or when Sung Yeon doesn't pay attension to her surrounding, she is a major clutz and manages to hit her (like hand hitting on table or bumping into walls, or trip over own feet), but she laughs it off and when she sees her friends smile, it means she felt like a true friend.

She will be honest with people wether its nice or mean depends on how people treat her, She will keep quiet out of other people's conversation, but will laugh if she can tell someone is lying, but holds it in. She beileves that everything should be truthful and not lying. She makes people feel stupid sometimes, even though she doesn't know that she is making them feel dumb, she will apologize and feel guitly for awhile and try and cheer them up, but on the inside she likes to say "I told you so", but she defiantly doesn't say that to people espcially her friends, even though they know she wants to say it, but can't. She is smart. When someone insults her or any of her friends she will over react and critize other people who makes her mad or her friends. When someone tells her a secret she can be noticable by her reaction (ex, if someone had a crush on someone and tells her, she will flip out and yell "OMG", easily expressive)

likes » 

» Scary stuff

» Writing

» Reading fanasty novels
» Junk food
» School
» Listen to music


dislikes »

» Being in dark places tight space (like alleys)

» Bullies
» Spiders
» Math
» Being left out
» Selfish people


hobbies » 

» Creating Stories

»  Stargazing

habits »

» Chews on her lip when in deep thought

» Puffs her cheeks when frustrated

»  Ruffels her hair in exhaustation

trivia »

» Chews on gum everyday for her to concertrate

» Black kitten name Mazie

» Has A's in school

» Favorite ice cream rocky road

» Loves animals 


home is where your heart is.

occupation » Barista at Cafe/ Wants to own book store

education »  2 years Transitional Law and Business College Major in Business


background » Kwon Sung Yeon was born and raised in Gonyang, her parents never got married so Sung's mom had her take her last name. Her dad was ashame of Sung Yeon because he never wanted a kid, but he did love Sora and Sora had love him, but she chose Sung Yeon over him. As Lee left them he never bothered talking to them. Sung Yeon never knew her dad, but she knows why he had left them and she grown to hate him little by little, but her mom had always told her to let it go. When Sung Yeon was 8 her mom had always left her because of work and even when Sung Yeon was alone she would hide in her room and read all different kinds of books and start writing short stories, she was anti social when she was little and always kept to herself.

When she turned 14 she was in middle school and thats when she changed, people had bully her because she was taller then other girls and tourtured her, but Sung Yeon finally had enough and stood up for herself and manage to get herself out of trouble, everyone would be intmediated by her height which she was happy. She didn't care if they wanted to be friends with her all she wanted was gradute school and live her life as an aurthor, she had always loved writing stories.

She loves books, she will collect any books and she'll read all as much as she can. She wants to own a book store when she graduates

When she was 16 she went to high school and people call her geek since she had always been getting A's on test, but she had became close friends (You and Co aurthor and the other girls) and they have never once judge her and had treated her like a friend. She always has fun around them and laugh at them when they say something. She dated a popular guy name Choi Swion they met during SAT testing and she had a huge crush on him cause he was cute, he asked her out and she gladly accepted, but her friends had told her it was a bad idea, but Sung was to blind to see what was going on, they had dated for 1 year he was her first for everything, but it bite her in the , he had told her it all for a bet for going out (Like a joke) with her because she was tall and when she heard it, her heart had broken, she became to insecure with herself, he had cheated on her many times and she forgave him, she felt stupid and pathetic, but her friends were supporting her and helping her out.

When they graduated high School Sung Yeon was the Valedictiorian and they had graduated. She was thankful for having the best of friends and her mom,  She had started college when she was 20 and was Majoring in English and wanted to become a professional aurthor, but she also wanted to be a english teacher. She works at the Cafe as a Barista in order to help out Nayoung and goes to college.

She had  friends in school and she always hanged out with them during lunches escpcially Sunggyo, he became friends with her because he was getting bullied and she put the stop in it so now they became best friends.


family »

» Mother • Kwon Sora • 45 • House maid • Loving, caring, and funny • 10 • alive

» Father • Kwon Lee so • 47 • Military• Rude, stubborn, and annoying • 1 • alive, but not with her


friends » 

» Best friend • Kim Sunggyo • 23 • Studying to have his own hotel business• Funny, reliable and shy •  9

» Friend •  Park Chanyeol • 22 • Studying to be a musicianist • Cheerful, kind and funny •  7

» Friend • Kim Park Bom • 23•  Studying make up artist• Funny, reliable, and outspoken• 7


others » 

» Ex- Bf • Choi Swion • 24 • Model • Arrogant when he wants to be, friendly towrds woman, and Kind • 3

» Old Co worker • Baekhyun • 23 • Works for a newspaper company • Funny, Hardworking, and annoying •7


the one and only.

love interest » Kwon Ji Young (G-dragon bigbang)

age » 24

occupation » Model in training/Learning to take over family business

education » 2 years Transitional Law and Business College Major in Business


personality » On the outside he is cold and Arrogant towrds everyone except for popular , he has a lot of fangirls and gets easily jealous if another girl talks to him. He is talented and very good looking and he knows it and likes to show it off, while everyone praises him, Sung Yeon insults him and tries to get under his skin and he reacts fooshliy. He enjoys bothering Sung Yeon because she was different and had kept insulting him which makes him more.
When he is around his friends (Bigbang) and at home he is very kind and loving towards his family and close friends, but doesn't want to show weakness because in order to become a model he has to maintain a image. He hates the Arrogant image his manager tells him to do. When he likes a girl he never gives up on her even if she does say no, he won't take it for a no for an answer. He likes to be romantic and treat his girl like a princess. 


HOW YOU MET »In her first year college he had bumped into her, making her fall and he didn't say anything, but she got mad and grabbed his shoulder for him to look at her in the face and had started yelling at him... From that day they argue like cats and dogs, and til this day they have writing, math and history classes.

interactions » They always bicker about the littlest things and he likes to annoy her, when they aren't around each other in school he looks after her from a far and tries to be protective of you without her noticing. Ji Yong likes going to the cafe and bother Sung Yeon, she holds her toungue and be nice as much as she can to him when it comes to work place. When they date they get shy around each other because she was tall and he was a good looking model, it felt odd for them at first, but Ji likes to hug Sung Yeon when she is around guys or his friends, showing her off, even though she hates, but was thankfu for him. They become close and act like a couple. 


love story »  At first they hate each other and When Ji Yong sees Sung Yeon walking in the pouring down rain (Due to her mom taking back her dad and had ran off) he pulls over and offeres her a ride home, but she refuses him, but he took her by forcing her into the car. Sung Yeon tried to get out, but he wouldn't let so she it and dealt with it. Sung Yeon had slowly passed out in the car and Ji Yong had taken her to his house and picked her up and put her in his bed and he noticed she was sick high fever... Ji Yong had always loved Sung Yeon, but he knows that she wouldn't love him back becaus ehe is a model and he knew Sung Yeons old relationship between her and Swion and he was frustrated about the fact he was a model and he knew Sung Yeon would be afraid to get hurt.
When Sung Yeon wakes up she notice that she didn't know where she was so she sat up quick and look in the room and sees Ji Yong sleeping beside her on the side of the bed she was shock and felt happy. She never notice how cute he was sleeping so curiosty got the best of her and had poke his cheeks, she laughed then he woke up she was blushing so bad. she then relaizes she likes him.


last words.

comments/suggestions » 

scene requests » 

password »  Hanaui Cafe


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