What to do...

So today just randomly I got the inspiration to for three more stories. I dont know if i'll be posting those anytime soon or at all. 

At this point I know that At World's End has about ten chapters left give or take a few depending on hos i split up  what i've written, but it's somewhere within the rang of 5-10 chapters. After I complete that story I dont know if i'll be starting a new stories or focusing on one of the others I already have posted. 

I dont know. I just wanna post them all but I dont want to put them up then not be able to keep up with them.  


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You should put them under draft (and/or unlisted). From there you can just update as slowly as you want too. That way when you want public eyes to see it, they can. Then they don't har to wait (and you don't have to update a lot)! Hope this helps! ^^