Tagged by ollybear25 xD soo here it is


Rule 1: Post the rule's!
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 5 new one's!
Rule 3: Tag 5 people and link them to this post!
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them!


1. What was your most recent dream about?

IDK i dont really remeber something to do with beinging at school event xD 

2. Can you sing?

Haha id like to say yes but no hehe

3. The city or the countryside?

Im a city person so city! But i dont mind the queit countryside though

4. Your favorite ice cream flavor?

Choc mint!! now i want some hmmphf

5. Do you dip your fries or just splatter them with ketchup?


6. When was the last time something made you blush?

Ciara body party ^//^

7. What color are the walls of your room?

Plain white wish it was a different color though 

8. How do you like your coffee?

Hot with two tea spoon of sugar. yep i have coffee

9. Crack or angst?

Crack all the way :D

10. Can you do the splits?

I just to be able too :(  i can only do it half way now >_<


My Questions

1. What is the one place that you wanna go to right now?

2. Fav color?

3. Last time you went into a library?

4. Fav girl name?

5.Train or bus?

The people im tagging








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Thanks for tagging me & sorry for not replying for such a long time! Been busy with ulzzang contests and starting a new story x)

But omg what a coincidence! Just the other day, I went to a party and they were playing Ciara's body party!
ollybear25 #2
I'll do this later today, I have so much crap to do right now /sigh