Can't You See??

Okay.. where do I start this.. Oh anyway just please ignore this, I just wanna rant out my sh*t off. I really want to scream to a certain boy that he really makes me happy, makes me smile for no reason whenever we had chat and makes me feel giddy whenever we hang out together. You see, he was my classmate since the very first day of highschool. and I've been known him for about six years already. Aaaanndd yes I had feeling toward him, he's my stubborn crush that won't leave my poor little heart :( I always tell myself I should move on, about three years since I knew he didnt have the same feeling as I am, I kept trying to move on. But alas! We're like back to stick together, I dont know what fate I have but really, if we're not meant to be together then please.. I want him to leave me alone. But then I realized that if he left me then I would lost one of bestfriend I had. Yeah he knows me so well but I, on the other hand, cant even figure out whats on his mind *sigh. So I decided to let it flow, whether I'm happy he always respond whenever we chat or pitying myself that he never reciprocrate my feeling, I'm decided to just let it flow! But I really hope that he will recognize my feeling for him someday, and that he likes me too *gaaah its a weird fantasy of mine. Oh my why dont someone kill my-pathetic-self. People says a right person will come to you no matter what.. But I think mine got hit by a truck. lol


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kayaknya gue tau nih ;)