I need Life Advice.

So Im overweight and Ive done my part in trying to lose some weight.

But my parents dont see that as good enough and they constantly remind me every single day that Im big and that I need to lose some weight.

I know it comes from the bottom of their hearts but if  you hear the same thing over and over and over again it can take a toll in your self esteem. At least thats what happened to me.

I have 0 Self Confidence and I dont even want to go out in fear of judgment from other people.

So I choose to stay home all the time and wallow in self pity. Its a vicious cycle really because being depressed just means me eating more and maintaning my weight even if I exercise. And its come to the point where I start hating myself you know? Like am I not good enough - do I only deserve your love if im thin?

I know that they want whats best for me but damn. I feel like im not good enough and I dont deserve anything at all.

Ive told them that Im just going to kill myself just so they could save themselves the trouble. They just shrug it off thinking that Im not serious but sometimes I think I am.

Dont worry I dont feel that way right now but I just feel so sad.

This took a lot of courage to write and I want help because I dont want to feel this way anymore. Im trying my best to lose weight and Im thinking of resorting to starving myself. 

I dont know what to do.


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Ermm..hve u tried Atkins Diet? - one of the fastest way to lose weight(if u follow the rules thoroughly)..instead of starving, this one is better.. :)
As someone who has dealt with eating issues since I was high school freshman (I'm in college now btws), I just want to say starving yourself is NEVER the answer. Honestly it just makes you feel worse, and can get very obsessive and lead to a cycle of unhealthy habits that can seriously harm yourself mentally and physically. So PLEASE never starve yourself, I promise you it is not the answer to potential weight problems.

2nd, now this may take a lot of courage, but the results can be very rewarding if you have an honest chat w/ your parents about how you love them and understand thats their comments come from a place of love, but they are hurtful to you in the end. You appreciate their support but feel free to kindly tell them they can either be positive cheerleaders or say nothing at all otherwise. I know it takes a lot to stand up to your family but if you do you'll realize if you can stand up to them you're capable of doing some really awesome things. Don't be upset, families are our biggest support systems but let's be honest even parents screw up sometimes. If you can talk to a school counseler, friend, extend family ember etc about even a small bit of your worries it should help. Talking about these problems and getting them out in the open can be a great de-stressor in general, (so be PROUD that you wrought this blog post, because yeah it probably took a lot of courage and you deserve a pat on the back for that!).

Stay strong and feel free to about your worries more often, don't keep that stuff bottled up. Fighting :D
Hello, I know that right now, you're feeling like you hit rock bottom but let me ask first, are you Asian (It's relevant, I promise)? My parents are and no matter how hard I try to please them, it feels like I'm getting nowhere. I will just tell you straight up that I am DEFINITELY overweight. My oldest sister is way overweight and she has the love of a man. He is a skinny twig (lol).
I used to be where you are right now, I went through all of that. I ate less and less to the point where I starved myself. I worked out a whole bunch and stuff and lost about 30 lbs... but after a while, I noticed that it was so that I could get the acceptance of those around me. Honestly, I didn't feel good about myself at all. After that, I realized that it wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth all the pain and stuff, so, I shot back up 30 lbs and I am as happy as I could ever be. Sure, I still struggle with my weight but it's not a problem anymore. When you are content and happy with the way that you are, it will show. Others will begin to see the beauty that you've been hiding. Of course your parents may NEVER accept that you try and try hard for them but that shouldn't matter. They choose to be blind, so let them be. Let them say whatever they want because it doesn't matter. I want you to start going out and taking strolls or just to hang out with friends. Do ANYTHING to get away from their negativity and to shine in your natural beauty. If you ever need help just holla at yo girl! :) FIGHTING!
Okay, baby, I'm a nurse. Number 1? Never starve yourself. If you don't eat, your body holds onto fat. It won't burn it. The key is to eat small meals throughout the day and never right before bed.

Also. Hold your head back and rub down your throat? Feel anything? I have a thyroid condition. Mine is over active and enormous. An under active one will slow down your metabolism to almost a halt. May want to get that checked.

On a personal note, as someone who has 'struggled' with their weight for years, you need to love you. You need to cook for yourself and learn to tell yourself, and everyone else, 'no'. I'm not being condescending, but self control is important.

Not sure how old you are, but suicide is never a bargaining chip. Don't even say it in jest. That worries me. A lot. You need to talk? I'm all ears.