tagged by shin-oppa


Rule 1 : Post the rules!
Rule 2 : Answer the questions that tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones!
Rule 3 : Tag 5 people and link them to this post!
Rule 4 : Let them know you've tagged them!



1. What's your current favorite song?

favorite song?? ummm... avril lavigne - how you remind me

2. Post a gif that describes our relationship. (phews?)

something like this?

3. The last movie/drama/tv show you've watched and enjoyed?

supernatural :D

4. What's the best thing you can cook? (or want for someone to cook you if you only know how to burn the kitchen)

spaghetti *_*

5. What's the one thing you do not want to read/dislike reading? 

right now, nothing i think :/

6. I GOT A HOODIE TODAY (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ /slap/ I mean, any favorite article of clothing?

woooh so you did get in the end?? great :D gotta say hoodies are my favs tbh

7. Are you more of a cat lady or a walking-my-dog flirt?

cat lady?? idk?? xD

8. Say three nice words/sentences/whatever about anybody in your friend list to brighten their day ヽ(^Д^)ノ (or one thing about three people)

umm do i have to go tell them or smth??

9. Why is yellow such a hated color? .-.

dunno, i kinda like it :/

10. Say something positive about yourself, don't be shy or modest ^^

something positive.... idk, the only good thing i like about myself are my eyes i guess, they're a really nice color xD



aaaaaaaand that's it, i guess.. tho not gonna tag anyone lol





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You actually have done it .-. is lazy Cas on a holiday or? xD