Tagged by shin-oppa

Rule 1 : Post the rules!
Rule 2 : Answer the questions that tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones!
Rule 3 : Tag 5 people and link them to this post!
Rule 4 : Let them know you've tagged them!



1. What's your current favorite song?

Back from Infinite

2. Post a gif that describes our relationship. (phews?)

We are the WSMG Squad!


3. The last movie/drama/tv show you've watched and enjoyed?

Empress Ki! you should have expected this xD OMG Emperor <3

4. What's the best thing you can cook? (or want for someone to cook you if you only know how to burn the kitchen)

Stir fry udon noodles? stir fry tteoboki with spicy and sweet soy sauce (and some fishcakes Mmmmm) :D

5. What's the one thing you do not want to read/dislike reading?

That would be horror, I can't take horror xD

6. I GOT A HOODIE TODAY (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧  /slap/ I mean, any favorite article of clothing?

I like comfy clothes like a tee and a pair of sweatpants? But I recently got a beautiful shinee fandom colored shirt >__< 

7. Are you more of a cat lady or a walking-my-dog flirt?

What's the difference...? O_O

8. Say three nice words/sentences/whatever about anybody in your friend list to brighten their day ヽ(^Д^)ノ (or one thing about three people)

Shin-Oppa, I love your graphics! <3

(Do you even like my compliments, after reading so many? xD)

9. Why is yellow such a hated color? .-.

Because it attracts insects and I freaking hate insects crawling and flying to me because I wore yellow ...

10. Say something positive about yourself, don't be shy or modest ^^

Euhm... Euhm... I always try to be optimistic and think I look prettier when smiling xD 

People tend to be scared of me when I look normal or glare a bit xD



Well, here are my 10 questions for you guys ~

1. Which kpop song do you just dislike?

2. Why do people find it weird to see men crying? (At least in Western countries)

3. What would you do if you and your bff crushed on the same guy/girl?

4. Can you still write prettily now that we type so much on the computer, tablet, phones etc.?

5. Are you the receive confession type or the one who takes the courage and confesses first?

6. You find out that you know someone (have connections with someone) that knows a fe of your favorite idols. Your reaction?

7. A month no internet or a month no phone?

8. What is the most treasured thing for you, from childhood or recently bought, received, found...?

9. Am I the only one who thik Pink looks good on Asian men and weird on non-Asian men...? (Since I live in Europe)

10. The msot daring, bold, weird fashion outfit you ever did in your life was...?


Okay, tag, you're it! xDD







And no tagging me back xD



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Of all the people you could have said something nice about... =___= /tsk
Empress Ki... not surprised, yep xD

*glomps* Keep those positive feelings then, okay~~~?