Girly or Manly Side? (gotten from GalaxyMinions!!~)

Your Girly Side:

[X] You love to shop (I'm a Taoaholic ;-;)

[] You wear eyeliner (I don't like wearing eyeliner because it's a bish to remove)

[X] You wear the color pink

[X] You go to your mom for advices

[X] You consider cheerleading as a sport (it is exercise so yea)

[] You hate wearing the color black

[X] You like going to the mall 

[] You like getting manicures/pedicures

[X] You like wearing jewerly

[X] You cried watching The Notebook (WHO DIDN'T??)

[] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe

[X] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies

[X] Loved Lord of The Rings(Yes,, but wait how is this girly?)

[X] You are/were in gymnastics

[] It takes you around 1 hour to shower

[] You smiled a lot more than you should

[X] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes

[X] You care about what you look like (only bc other ppl care sigh)

[X] You like wearing dresses when you can

[] You like wearing body spray/perfume

[] You wear high heels (I don't like high heels because they hurt!!)

[X] You used to play with dolls as a kid

[] You like putting makeup on others

[] You like being the star of almost everything 

[X] Pink is one of your favorite colors

Total: 15/25

Your Manly Side:

[] You love hoodies 

[] You love jeans

[] Dogs are better than cats (usually NO)

[] It's hilarious when people gets hurt (no but its hot sometimes /bricked/)

[X] You've played with/against boys on a team 

[] Shopping is torture

[] Sad movies

[X] You own an XBox(MAYBE IDEK)

[] You own/owned a Wii

[] You played with Hot Wheels as a kid

[] At some point in your life you wanted to be a firefighter

[] You owned a DS, PS2, or Sega

[] You used to obsessed with Power Rangers (neverr seen it)

[] You watch sports on TV

[] Gory movies are cool

[] You go to your dad for advices

[] You own like a trillion baseball hats

[] You used to/do collect football collector cards

[X] Baggy sweatpants are cool to wear all the way (yep or stretch pants are the shiz)

[] It's kind of weird to have a sleepover with a bunch of people

[] Green, black, red, blue or silver is one of your favorite colors

[] You love to go crazy & not care what other people think

[] Sports are fun (I like some i gueeess)

[] You talk with foods in your mouth

[X] You sleep at night with your socks on sometimes(All the time unless it rly hot)

Total: 4/25???

Results: Wow im like no manly whatsoever...

I thought of Luhan when I see my friend's blog so I just had to take it haha~

Feel free 2 do it too and in the meantime enjoy this gif my minions


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KpopForever31 #1
Im a manly woman i guess.... does that make me the female luhan?
hey2, i'm a girl but take a look at ma result

4/25 for girly side (like really???!!!!)
15/25 for the manly side (WOW)
10/25 for the girly side
20/25 for the manly side
I'm a girl.. xD
famushinee #4
I have more girly side in me..:-)
me... definetely manly...