Why Reading Silently?

This question has lingered on my mind for a while now. Why are there many readers who choose to keep quiet after reading stories?

I once was a silent reader too before people knew me as an author. My reason, that time, was because I didn't know what to say on the comment section. I loved the stories I read, but I couldn't point out my thoughts. It was as simple as that.

I changed when people started reading my stories. Trust me, guys, it totally when you have like 200 and more readers, but you only get ten comments for a chapter, and sometimes less than that. I didn't mean to act like an immature author, who demand for comments like a kid wants candies, but it does . It doesn't feel good at all.

I'd love to talk to my readers. I'd love to know whether they like my stories or not. Comments make my day, you know. You can ask any authors you know, and I bet they will say the same. Reader's comment is something that motivates the authors to keep writing. Well, I write because I DO love writing, but reader's comment is a mood booster.

Every author would love to get feedback.

Trying to appreciate your favorite authors is something you have to try to do. Share your thoughts. If you're still confused, try to type, “Hello! I like your stories!” then tell them why you like their stories. If you dislike the story... I will unsubscribe the story if I dislike it. It seems harsh, but, hey! I don't like your story! What am I supposed to do?

I hope no one will unsubscribe my story after I post this...

Okay. Enough ranting. I only wanted to share my thoughts, so don't take this to heart. I love all my readers, including the silent ones. :)

I hope you, whoever you are, who read this (if any) will think back of being a silent reader.

Have a nice day!







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As an author, I can totally understand how you feel. Writing makes me happy, but seeing readers' is such a great incentive as well. I don't really know why so many people like to stay silent, but I understand that not everyone has something to say on every chapter. I've gotten used to it, so it doesn't bother me anymore, but comments or not, just write happily and don't give up! :)
yeah i understands you. And I'm in the phase of changing too, and yes I bloody agree that it a lot when i have so many viewers of my stories but I only have very small amount of comments.. well, in my opinion. i mean, thousands of viewers but seventy or less comments?
I'm sorry I'm rambling right now lol
and I do believe a thank you is in order for you by me ;)
I read this as a support, have a very nice day
I'm sorry.. did u change your ID? ToT
I cant recall ur previous ID ToT
huhuhuhu, definitely. author needs feedback and appreciation I guess? that would be lovely. I was sooooo happy when my story got comment.
but sometimes I feel that reader who drops comment deserve a reply? lol
I dunno~ that's gonna be mutual ♡♥♡
hi :) I'm the first one here
I'm not an author but I can understand you. Sometimes I don't like the story I read then I'm not commenting, and english is not my first language so it's hard to say my thoughts easily thats why I dont comment. but 70% of the time I commente to support story and author.
from now on I will support you author-nim^^ hwaiting