Late night thoughts

I cant sleep again tonight.

Another sleepless night for me

No, i'm not insomniac. It's just that I have some thought going on my mind right now.

Thoughts about you

Yes, it's you

I would never imagine myself to be ... like this. Love sick? Hah, makes me wanna laugh.

But maybe, just maybe. 



That's what I want to ask you.

Why did you invite me to stay with you

Why do I always say yes to you

Why are you being so nice to me

Why cant I keep my cool around you

Why do I turn into a giddy 5 yrs old when I'm with you

Why are we acting so weird and comfortable around each other

Why did you say all those things to me

Why did you bring me flowers

Why did you serenade me with your words 

Why did you make such promises with me

Why did you take me to places I've never been

Why do you always try to give the best for me

Why do I feel like you're ignoring me these past days

Why do I feel like you're being indifferent to me

Why do I forgive you so easily

Why do I get irritated by myself on things concerning you

Why do I want to be a better person since I know you

Why do I keep looking over my phone to see your messages

On top of everything, why havent you said anything? 

They all say it's obvious, but is it? 

I'm confused

I dont want to say I'm tired but I feel like I'm being a fool if I wait for you any longer.

I know I'm being selfish

I dont want to ruin this moment right now

But maybe, just maybe

There is something more 

I guess the more you think about things, the more it doesnt make sense.

which is why these are just some random late night thoughts.

Good night



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just saw this.
have a good night dear.