Crushes Are The Worst

A semi-sane personal blog post about developing crushes and why they are both the best and worst things that can happen to you. Now, if you're not a blog-reading type of person, here's the tl;dr—having a crush on someone is the worst because it makes you actually have to care. But it can also be one of the best things because now you actually care.

That might not be a very clear explanation. But before I get too deep into the subject, a little background knowledge to let you know a bit more about my experience with stuff like this. It doesn't take me much for me to develop a crush; honestly, I'm the type of person who will fall hard for anyone if they happen to do anything nice for me. That type of thing, I would call it just a "casual crush". You know, the kinds you wuickly develop on that guy who held the door open for you at the mall, or on the really sweet Disneyland employee who knew a funny joke. While they're fun to have, that's not really the most affecting of crush types. And it's not what this blog post is supposed to be about.  

Bear with me, I'm about to go all personal-blogger on you. Haha, sorry. But anyway, if you've followed me for a while, you'll know that one of my most serious crushes was on a guy in my high school named Luke, whose locker was near mine and was in my advanced art class. The thing about ome casual crushes is that they make you develop, over several instances, a serious crush, and that's what happened with Luke. It was just instance over instance of one cute thing and then another until eventually, I got to know him a lot better and my casual crush became pregnant with a serious crush, and there were complications with that. This section of the post is just to help me sort of examine myself and my psyche. In retrospect, I remember feeling very, very awkward with crushes. For starters, now I actually had to think about how I looked and how I acted around him, what sorts of things I said or didn't say. I was rehearsing conversations to have with him in my head, imagining myself cool and confident, and then totally flopping on delivery because I forgot what I had rehearsed. It was an awkward time for me, but when I look back I think about all the progress I made because of my crush on Luke. I was more motivated to stay active and keep a healthy physique, I was more aware of my own words, more attentive to the needs of other people, I wanted to know more things so that I could talk to him about more topics, and thus I widened my gaze and learned more about other subjects. In a way, developing that embarrassing crush on my classmate helped me grow as a person even if my feelings weren't reciprocated (actually, he did confess to me, but by that time, my crush-feels were dwindling. Plus he moved out of state).  It was like forming that humiliating crush helped me realize just how much I was starting to slip into apathy and made me realize that there was still so much that needed my attention: like my health, my relationships with other people, my education, etc. Lots of people like to look down on young girls who develop "childish crushes", but as I look back, I think it's actually an okay thing for a girl to have; it's a part of growing up and learning how you relate to other people as well as yourself.

Why blog about this, you ask? You guessed it: I've got a new serious crush. And it's even more embarrassing given how old I am (technically, I'm only like 20, but lol I shouldn't be this susceptible to crushes by my age). I wanted to write this blog post beccause I think my feelings are starting to peak, and I need to tell someone about it and I can't tell my friends yet. I used to rant to my friends about him, talking about how antisocial and stoic he is and how he kept bossing me around at work, making me do everything, and I pretty much tried to make it clear to them that I did not like him at all. But soon enough, my friends started noticing how much I ranted about him and one of them brought up how I couldn't seem to stop talking about him. At first, I brushed it off and was very admant that I hated him. But lately, I've started to notice myself caring again; just like in high school, I'm being health-conscious, I'm exercising more, I'm reading more books about subjects I wouldn't be interested in, I'm rehearsing coversations again, I'm talking to more and more people, I'm being hyper-aware of my words and my actions. I'm nervous to walk into my job and see him. I keep checking my schedule trying to see when I have shifts with him. Heck, I'm feeling even more urgent about writing again.

It's happening again. 

Why do my crush-developments always coincide with an urge for mental, physical, and spiritual self-improvement? I mean, I know I should be motivating myself and working on self-empowerment and not trying to impress other people, but part of self-empowerment also involves letting yourself feel whatever you feel. The funny thing about Seth is that he is not even my type at all, and he's not good-looking by any standards. In fact, my friend called him ugly lol. I used to think he was so stuck-up and self-centered, and despite how long we've been working at the same place, he almost never spoke to me except to boss me around. But little by little he started... doing stuff for me, like being really patient with showing me where things are on the cash register or offering to stay an hour or two overtime so I could go home early. The first thing I can remember is when I got in trouble with our boss for one reason or another, and Seth wasn't even anywhere near, but out of nowhere, he appeared just as the boss was giving me a stern talking-to and was like "Oh yeah, that's not her fault, I forgot to tell her about that, that's my bad." Another time was when I was with a customer and they were asking me about different shades of paint and the different between one kind and another and I remember they asked me a question that I couldn't answer and I kind of froze because I didn't know what to say. Seth was walking by so I was like "Psst! I have a question!" and he kinda laughed at me because I was clueless but he came over anyway and answered their questions. At this point, I could tell the customers would rather have had him showing them the paint and not me. So I was going to excuse myself and go back to the station, but then Seth was like "Oh you know what, Em here can tell you guys all about it and she'll help you out at the station, she's wonderful", so he took us all back to the station, meanwhile trying to tell me what to do and how to help them. Later, the customers were super satisfied with my service, and I felt good about being useful to them. Later that day, I ranted to my friends about how he made me do everything and even threw me under the bus by being like "Oh, yeah, Em will take care of it for you". But in actuality, I... I actually liked helping those people, and Seth's advice was really valuable.

Don't get me wrong, he's still a pain in the sometimes, and he still thinks he can tell me what to do since he's a senior co-worker, and lots of times, he still keeps up the silent act even when we're barely standing like two feet away from each other and my goodness, he can be so awkward sometimes. But I don't know. Something about him. Maybe I'm just overthinking things or maybe I'm just getting too caught up in him swooping in and saving me from customer service disasters with his senior-co-worker wisdom. But while it lasts, I'm going to enjoy this random burst of an overwhleming desire to make myself a better person.

p.s. what is up with this new layout? imo, don't change the layout unless you're going to improve upon the last one, but so far I haven't seen improvements? plus I hate the new font


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cocopie99 #1
self-improvement is normal when you develop crushes because you want your crush to see the best side of you, you want them to see the all the good things in you so he might reciprocate your feelings. focusing on self-empowerment equals to losing 79% chance of having him- at least that's how we humans think. "being yourself" can become really hard because it is just logic and your heart aint take any logic. just my 2 cent hahaha
You are so precious. :') I'm missed your input, and I didn't even realise it!
jalmothaesseo #3
This post is somewhat timely. I appreciate you sharing what you feel! Relateable af
reese0210 #4
It seems like I'm also in the same predicament as you. I'm 19, a rising college sophomore, and with 0% dating experience. I went to an all girls high school in the East coast so, when I when I started college last year I was in for a shocker. I found myself so clueless on so many levels. I didn't know that a guy inviting you out to lunch was considered a date, let alone that he was interested in you. I thought it was just a "friendly" gesture, but NOPE it wasn't. Then I found myself falling hard for one of my guy friends. Like you, I tend to develop crushes for guys who are nice to me. There were many instances where he was extremely caring and did things that seemed beyond his normal, everyday character. But it didn't turn out the way I hoped. He was already in a long distance relationship. Anyways, I was crushed, but I'm okay now and I'm very happy for him. But like you, I found myself being self-conscious and wary about so many things. I started venturing into things that he liked, such as music that I didn't bother listening to before. In the end, I found it to my liking. It's actually my go-to music when I'm stressed and anxious. What I'm trying to get at is that I think it's perfectly fine that this person is making you want to better yourself. Maybe you'll find new things that you never thought you'd like-like I did. And maybe through that you'll find inspiration and motivation to find the self-empowerment that you stated in the beginning of your post. Hahaha. I don't know if I'm making sense. The only advice I would give you is to not have too high expectations of what might be there. It's one of the most painful feelings when your hopes of him liking you back are crushed.

But I do believe that you can learn something from every person that comes into your life-whether big or small. It seems like you know what you're doing! And it seems like he's a nice guy despite his bossiness. So, I wish you the best of luck and that everything works out! :)
Oh, and about the layout. You don't like it? Haha, I do, especially since blue is my all-time favorite color. It does really look a lot like FFO and RR and FB though..... I don't think there are any improvements either, just adjustments. And everything just like in different places. The font is okay for me, but I was trying to use a layout for my story and I had a panic attack because I couldn't figure out what went where, orz. You can change it back to the old version though.
Haha, no offense or anything, but this was so fun to read. I haven't read an actual personal blog in ages. Or maybe about 6 days, I dunno OTL. I had this huge stupid grin on my face the entire time I was reading this. xD It's sort of cute though, how and "old"er person can develop a crush like this. I for some reason keep thinking that only people in their teens develop crushes. I guess I'm still just too young lol.
I know what you mean about Seth being uh, "ugly"?? orz I once sat next to this boy for two classes, and he is not at all good-looking. Maybe a little cute, like adorable cute, but no one thought he was good-looking by any standards. And yet I somehow started to like him .-. And that's so extremely weird because at that time, I was crushing on like 2 other people already. I'm boy-crazy, and I've been like that all my life and I really don't like it. /bawls
Hmm, that's an interesting (and positive) way to look at having a crush. Haha, I noticed recently that I also do all those things while having a serious crush. Most of the time when I like someone, it's just what you would call a casual crush. I've only had two serious ones. I guess it's sort of just instinctive to be that self-aware and wanting to look good in front of that person? I mean, pretty much everyone does it, right? If only people would do that more often, even when they're not trying to impress anybody.
Haha, well I hope everything works out for you. Good luck with your self-improving! xD (Sorry, I laughed because - I dunno about you - that sort of sounded funny.)
Haha this is a nice blog to read-- it's so refreshing since I haven't actually seen one of these really personal blogs in a long time (cuz ya know me, im pretty derp lol)
Ahaha anyways, for me, I would say that I don't develop crushes easily-- or maybe I don't realize it because by the time I do, it's ing hard lol. I'm your hoobae, and I'm only fifteen, and people would say that this is the time when girls would start liking more than two to three guys and be dreaming about marriage with their boyfriends and , but me? I've only ever had two crushes. Ever. I mean, celebrity crushes, sure, I've had tons. But real people and serious feelings? I'm not into the touchy feely stuff but I found myself nodding to everything that you say. Once I had my crushes, I start to worry about myself, other people and I start to widen my horizons and sometimes, to be honest, I don't like it. I don't like how I start to care for the guy, even if he does reciprocate my feelings. I guess it's because, the thing is, I have a really high standard and I firmly believe that I'm not ready to date, I'm not ready for a boyfriend because I'll mess things up.
People say that if you have a 'crush' on a person for more than four months, it's 'love'. But I'm so surprised at how easily that word rolls off people's tongues. You can't just say you love someone just because you've merely liked him for four months. My two real serious crushes have lasted four years, and honestly, I'm still not over my last one. He's moved out of the country but I still feel close to him and the infatuation is still there. But I don't call it love haha. I laugh at my lady friends whenever they say they love the guy because I just think that they seriously like him.

But enough with this rant, lol. I think you've voiced out most people's opinions on this issue, and I hope your crush takes you somewhere and you experience something new! :DD
part 2/2: So basically he talked me up big, and no he didn't like me because at that time I was helping him out with his own complicated love story. Hilariously enough everyone including my crush agreed that yes I would make the perfect girlfriend. I just about bit their heads off. I asked if I'm such a great candidate then why do I have to help all of you guys date girls around school, some of which don't even deserve you. They were quiet and the worst person answered. My crush had said that I just wasn't their type. It was true though. I definitely wasn't the feminine flower that they liked to be manly in front of. I could beat some of them up and I had beat some of them up lol at least the ones I knew in my elementary school days.

It got me thinking though and when I asked my fake little brother if I should change he told me no. He said I should be less assertive because it does intimidate guys but that I shouldn't change my personality or way of dressing or any of it because only idiots don't realize that I'm a girl. He told me that a lot of my friends considered me like they're mom and that eventually a guy would see that yeah I'm tough but I'm also gentle.

Since then I haven't really worried about guys haha. It's kind of weird but I haven't really devoloped a crush for the past two years and I haven't worried about how I look as much either. I'm a lot more confident in myself than before. I guess you could say that despite not changing outwardly, having a crush made me change inwardly. But it was the shattering of that crush that really made the impact.

Anyway... yeah crushes are great and they haha. All that was to say I agree with you XD.
It's funny because I'm a fairly different from you. I do start worrying about my self improvement but I'm too much of a workaholic to focus that much on myself. I'm a pre-med student and even in high school I was in charge of a boat load of clubs and in too many advances classes to keep my head clear. I was also in charge of a lot of church activities. I love volunteer work and honestly one of my greatest characteristics and flaws is that I focus on helping others way more than I care to help myself. When I developed crushes it was always on a guy I considered a good friend. I'm not the type that falls for guys easily just because they're nice to me. It takes quite a while for me to like someone because I work so much that it means they have to be a constant presence in my life for me to notice how nice they are. The sad part is because I focus on helping others so much you would think it would work in my favor, but it doesn't. You would think "wow they must get the idea that you care about them", but that's totally not how it plays out. I basically get bro-zoned. Every... single... time. Lol. It use to really bother me because yeah I love being one of the guys and getting invited to things that a lot of my female friends don't really like to go to, but that doesn't mean I actually want to be a guy to all guys. Does that even make sense? Haha. They few crushes that I've had have always been on guys that I've bonded with after a good while. But by the time I realize I like them I've already bonded too much and been placed in a bro-zone.

I distinctly remember one instance where one of my guy friends (I did not at any point have a crush on this one lol he's like my little brother who I tell basically everything to) said infront of all my other guy friends and my crush "Wouldn't Elane make the perfect girlfriend? She's so chill and caring etc" part 1/2.
nurzuwaida #10
my problem is im easily attracted to someone like i develop feelings too fast and too easy. when i think back on my prev crushes, never once i succeed. so the thought of i will never get to be together with my crush helps me to get over it tbh. but now im having a crush on someone too, hes the new kid and it has been 7 months but all i know abt him is his name. ((im a coward and i had once lost the chance to be together with my crush bcs i thought he liked another girl and he thought i liked another guy and i kind of ran away from him)) btw i enjoyed reading this post though!!
omggggggggg girl i have the same problem crying this co worker is all like here u come with me i need your help and etc like here pls help me here i need your help and he actually joked to another co worker about me being his gf gosh its so hard to stop developing something for him it hits me really bad
I confessed to my crush a few weeks ago. But then he always talk to me up until now >< I thought he's like the other guys, like, once he knew that you have crush on him, he'll start ignoring you.

And I hate that >< It's like he's giving me hope that there'll be an 'us' . (Im a girl whose hope is always high) I want to ignore him but how can I when my eyes always stares at him XDD (ok im talking nonsense now)
The "flat" interface is actually the trend these days with website designs so everyone's very much trying to tone down the 3d, embossed graphics. But anyway I think I have that same situation that I have with my guy friend, who is the closest to me of all the guys I had become friends with (I blend in with most of the guys tbh)-- I could say that he's my guy best friend. It always irked me how everyone is misunderstanding our relationship. When we're alone I see it more of as a sibling bonding. however, our friends, churchmates, and even some of my relatives thought that we're dating or at least we were going to that part. When first and foremost I am very much intimidated and drawn to him at the same time when we first met. It just happens that we clicked despite the differences. I did admit to myself that I have a crush on him but then again It came to me that I was only driven by that mentality because of the people around us and as I dug deeper, prayed harder It came to me that He definitely doesn't fit to my standards of an ideal guy except for a few aspects, though I know that it's not enough of a basis for me to conclude that I don't like him romantically but I will never deny that I love him. Unconditionally? I mean I don't really profess that he's the one or I am head over heels for him but It's just-- I just love him in a platonic way, no matter how much I try to imagine myself being with him, It never fails to give me that uncomfortable, icky feeling.

And I always have the belief that as you wait and prepare yourself for "God's best" a.k.a the Prince. You are likely to be the person who brings out the best in him, and you have to prepare yourself as He is on his way to meet you at the right timing.

P.S I think I said too much-- haha sorry. but it was hearing you share this.
crushes so bad i swear like my crush atm ugh he is such an . the more i thouhht abt it, the more i realize that crushes are stupid cause it just is. they make you feel more insecure (i guess?) and sel conscious and such amd i find it annoying and sometimes the type of guys who are sich a that wont even have time nor even appreciate a girl.but we still fall for em cause of how stupid we are and such. idk crushes are really the worst
At least you ever talk to your crush (he even confessed, define lucky). I like someone for at least five years now, and the only conversation we ever had is like hi and how to do homeworks. I guess my crushing has developed into an obsession (not really), but I still can't talk to him because I'm too lame and awkward to start with. Nice to know about your experiences hehehe