no one there

I just need to spoke it out do you ever feel like your surroundings just go against you? and not accept you like the way you're? and feel so unloved. didn't matter how much you try,, its never enough how much you want to open yourself, its shuts harshly bcx their judgements for you maybe I kust being a drama queen. but no one deserve it when they humiliated. always wrong and never the better one.


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Himmature #1
it's not that you're drama queen. i have been in such situation and i was also noted as a drama queen, but that's just ppl don't know what we feel
Pyxsis_13 #2
I don't think you're actually being a drama queen. I actually feel very much the same. Like no matter how hard you try,or even if you already gave your very best. It's still not enough for others. And that sometimes you can't show your real self, for people might just hate you or suddenly leave you behind if they ever find out who you really are. And even if you really want to show it, you can't because you just get scared.. so yeah, I think Im very muh just the same... :/