angry. sad. frustrated.

as you can see from the title of the blog post. i am indeed angry, sad and frustrated.

i dont know how many of you people reading this are hyunsik-antis/cube-antis, but i just wanna say this. pls pls pls stop hating on him for this. or pls just keep your comments to youself. i admit that i am an anti to a/some group(s) but i dont really say it out. can you guys imagine how he will feel if he read these hurtful comments. i dont see what is the difference between what you antis are doing and cyber-bullying. why are you destroying someone's dream? WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO DO THAT?! he might have just made a mistake but do you guys have to make such a fuss

i understand that plagirism is a huge offence in the music offence. but he is indeed a god fan and i believe that he wasnt plagirising but indeed a homage. i cant change what you think but pls THEY APOLOGISED. THEY APOLOGISED ALREADY. if that isnt enough, THEY EXCLUDED THAT SONG FROM FUTURE COPIES OF THAT ALBUM. WHAT ELSE DO YOU ANTIS WANT. you know sometimes i think that Cube is really nice, they apologised and took actions so quickly after hearing about the matter from the public. PLS TELL ME WHAT OTHER COMPANIES APOLOGISE SO QUICKLY. 

they could have changed the song lyrics and saved the song. BUT NO. THE SONG IS GONNA BE EXCLUDED IN FUTURE COPIES OF THE ALBUM. im an ultimate cube-stan. u prob shouldve noticed by now. 

some antis are even going all out to provoke fan girls like me who are trying to protect our idols by calling us 'delusional'. firstly, what did we even do to offend you. we dednt even insult you. im just stating in what i believe and trying to let my idol know in some way, that someone still supports them. we didnt insult you antis. but you call us delusional. RLY.

and have you guys ever heard BTOB's Star. its a beautiful song. prob more beautiful than your hateful self. HYUNSIK WROTE THAT SONG AND IT IS AMAZING. hyuna's song is amazing as well. but just because of two lines, you are bashing on him. AND U GUYS CALL HIM WHAT 'n00bie hyunsik' 'ban that freaking hyunsik from freaking writing songs' 'a$$holes' ' ty plagiarizing composer-wanna-be idols' 'BTOBtards, Hyunsiktards'. HE IS CAPABLE OF WRITING A 3-4min SONG WITH HIS OWN LYRICS. U GUYS ARE CRIMINALS AS WELL. CYBERBULLYING.

DO YOU GUYS HAVE TO BE SO HARSH. he prob spent hours on that song and u guys are just here bashing on him. its enough of a punishment that his song is so harshly criticised by you antis. PLEASE STOP. IM BEGGING YOU.

JUST FKING STOP PLS. im sure you dont want your idol to hurt like that too. so pls dont do that to mine.





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starrynights_ #1
sorry for being so harsh. i was just too agitated.