LET's Play Tag Game

The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them

1) What color do you want to dye your hair if you can? blue lol

2) Your favorite word in the whole world: FOOD <3

3) A hug or a kiss? hugs? :3

4) Do you have a family member that you just want to kill sometimes?  not really since i don't have siblings lol xD

5) Name your fave song?  gahh. too many favs songs. okay. fav song rn- Taeyang: Eyes, Nose, Lips.

6) What's your best features? Eyes and smile? thts wut i think tho lol

7) Fav food: Pizza <3

8) Your lucky number: don't have one but 9 seems lucky for me./instincts/

9) One person who always irritates you: That annoying girl ._.

10) Your biggest desire? Sehunnie :3

11) Recommend a book you like: The fault in our stars


Okayy so here's questions for youuu~!

1) If you were reborn, what gender would you wish to be? Why? 

2) A genie gives you three wishes. But in return, you have to give another's soul for each wish. Whose would you give?

3) What's the coolest thing you've ever done?

4). What's the creepiest fic you've ever read?

5) The saddest?

6) The fluffiest?

7) Would you read twilight? (O.O)

8) Favorite food?

9) What subject in school do you love? Why?

10) What's your biggest dream?

11) If you could spend a day with an idol, who would it be and why?




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