Thanks mom. I feel the love...

So my mom found out that I bought the INFINITE repackage album, Be Back. (She still haven't found out about Season 2. Thank God!)
So her reaction was predictable. She got mad. Blah blah blah. Threaten to burn all my albums that I ever bought and all that.
Honestly, I've gotten sick of this. I didn't feel anything as she got mad at me.
I feel uncaring. She got mad that I bought an album that's RM63 while she asked my sister when's the handbag that she and my sister bought online that's 5 times the amount of my album per bag.
Yes. Per bag.
They bought two.
So do the math.
Thanks mom. I feel the love...


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Were you buying it with your own money?

Maybe, she just got mad at you because you didn't ask her first. I'm not sure, but don't be mad at your mom. Cause she must have a real reason to get angry.

Hope this removes itself. Fighting!
Syzygy_ #2
Well .. I can't see why would she
Get mad at you for buying albums tbh, but you know what?
Don't be mad at her or make her upset cause she is still your mom just .. be more careful when you buy your next album XD
Or maybe try to talk to her and know why she does that like .. kpop is the best thing to spend your money ... at least we're not doing drugs, selling ourselves or whatever other people at our age do .