An hour a day, keeps the cobwebs away!

Hi friends and fans, still plugging away at my story Ashes and Embers here, I am planning on writing for around one hour a day just to keep my writing from getting rusty yet cutting off my flow before it runs out and I hit writers block. Anyways just keeping you in the loop, and remember I am always willing to listen to feedback. take care guys & gals. Hope you will enjoy what this story has in store for us all, (which includes me since I don't know where this adventure of sorts is taking me yet.) Happy Reading :)

P.S. the song I am listening to in heavy rotation, is called "rise" by the Band "Skillet" so pop in your earbuds and check it out, and feel free to stay tuned for the next song on my playlist for inspiration to my the story.


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Awww, that's cute.