★ i d o l s t a g e Application Form


AFF username - brave_purple

Character name - Cho Eun Kyung

Gay,Bi,Straight - Bi

NickNames - Mikki - It's a simple reason: It's sort of a shorter version of Eun Kyung because of the 'K'. She also thought it was nice English nickname to fit her personality.Only her best friends and family call her this.

Character Age - 22

Birthday - August 11, 1989

Birthplace & Hometown - Bucheon, South Korean - Birthplace | Seoul, South Korea - Hometown

Nationality - Korean

Languages Spoken - Korean (fluent), English (fluent)

Blood Type - B

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Ulzzang Name - Hwang Ji Min

Pictures - 12 | 3 | 4

Height & Weight -  173cm & 49 kg

Style - She almost always wear tights or hoses. She wears low collar shirts, whether they're tank tops or t-shirts. She wears tight clothing like tight miniskirts, dresses, and bodycon skirts. Casually, she would wear either skinny jeans with a low cut, low collar tank and a leather blazer. Or she would wear a simple bodycon dress with simple accessories. She always wears stilettos. But if she was going to a club she would wear something like skin tight mini skirts, they could be sparkly and a blouse or either a dress with a blazer or a leather jacket or either a simple cardigan. Sometimes, if she's just that lazy, she would go out in a hoodie and a tank top and tennis shoes. If she was to dress fancy, she would wear a mid-thigh bodycon skirt with a lace or chiffon blouse with a normal collar. Also, once in awhile she'll wear denim short shorts. But they're shorter than your normal short shorts which is why she doesn't wear them all the time. To add something extra to the shorts, she usually adds tights with lace designs in them or are purposely torn. She especially loves glittery outfits for clubbing or leather pieces with big necklaces for everyday wear. 1 | 2 | 3 

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Personality - 

           She's a go with the flow 'doer' and lives in the now. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty when taking action and you can call her a risk-taker or daredevil. She's fast-moving and talks fast. She's good at telling stories and improvising and makes things up as she goes along with something. She improvises instead of following a routine or plan. She gets uncomfortable when she sticks to daily routines. She has a broad range of talents and skills and is especially talented in things that interest her. She's very energetic and has a large amount of enthusiasm. She gets easily excited and can influence someone else become excited and follow her actions. She is action-oriented and makes decision in an instant. She doesn't like to be in situations where she is restricted or confined in any type of way. She's had a range of skills and talents and is especially good at anything that interests her. She can be blunt and straight-forward at times, especially because she loves to speak her mind. She likes to get things started and done and enjoys new experiences.

          Eun Kyung is a fun-loving person and is fun to be around.  She spontaneous and optimistic about things. She loves to hang around people and is loved by mostly everyone. She's a sympathetic person and cares for other's well beings. She's warm and generous with people that's close to her, even though she treats everyone like her friend. She's observant about people's feelings and tends to give practical care for ones in need. Once you have done something to upset her, such as take advantage of her and her trust, she can be very stubborn towards that person and will strongly dislike that person. She loves to be in the center of attention and perform for people. She likes to entertain people and make them happy. She likes to see reactions from people which she is good at. She likes the atmosphere of parties and loves for life to be like one big party, which of course she would be the host. She's also a great team player and enjoys creating a fun atmosphere to get things done. She builds strong bonds with people and appreciates relationships with those people and would hate for it to be destroyed. Her personality should not be mistaken for that of a bubbly one who is happy-go-lucky.

         Because Eun Kyung is best at going with the flow, she doesn't do so well with books and theories. She avoids situations that involve theoretical thinking and are complex. She had difficulty in school and doesn't plan on going to college either. But she does learn by doing and interacting with people. She also tends to ignores things if she thinks the information can't be put to good use. She improvises in situations instead of using book smart to make her way through. When she's put under a great deal of stress, her mind can be filled with negative thoughts and possibilities. A surprising thing about Eun Kyung is that she tends to smoke when she's either under stress or at clubs. She is somewhat materialistic and does not pay attention to how she spends her money. She also pays attention to what others think of her but is trying to break free of that habit. Eun Kyung can actually be a tough girl when she needs to be. She usually acts like this when she feels somebody is trying to take advantage of her or do something bad. She's not afraid to fight against anybody for what she believes is right, especially if its against her friends and family. When she's in a bad mood she can get pretty grumpy. This only happens though when she hasn't had enough sleep or has a hangover. Or she can be grumpy when she breaks up with someone, especially since she easily becomes attached to her partners. She also tends to get in a lot of fights, verbally and physically because of . She's frank when she talks and openly says what's on her mind and sometimes it can be unintentionally harsh. She doesn't pay attention to conversations about the past, future, or are abstract. This is so because she is literal and concrete when she communicates and hates theories. She tends to become disinterested in conversations that aren't important at the moment. Also, she takes criticism personally and looks at it destructively. She becomes angered and harsh and when she calms down, she would return to the person to apologize. But she will still dislike what they said. These are major flaws that indicate Eun Kyung's character. Overall, Eun Kyung is an individual who is warm, generous, fun-oriented, energetic, straight-forward.

Likes  - 

*Bad movies (well, she likes to make fun of them)

*Cosmetics (especially lipstick and eyeshadow)

*Vintage items

*Wine/ Champagne/ Soju 

*Art museums

*Brave sound


*Green Tea

*Facial Masks


*Tights/ hoses


*Nail Art

*Circle lenses


Dislikes  -

*Slow texters 


*Pork (but she'll still eat it)





*Repeating herself


*Slow days 

*Empty clubs 

Hobbies  -

*Shopping/ Online shopping

*Going to clubs in Hongdae and Myeongdong


*Going to movies with her Oppa 

*Making her own jewelry

*Hosting parties

Habits - 

*Smoking when she's stressed 

*Stomps her foot the show the other person she's frustrated or annoyed 

*Bobs her head to music unless she's fully dancing 

*Makes a lot of skinship 

*She easily goes through relationships but when she is in one she tries to make them last

*Falls asleep while listening to music - especially IU

*Rocks back and forth when sitting in a position for a long time

*Lies to get out of a tricky situation

*Pokes people to get their attention

*If she's doing a chore, she will keep complaining until somebody takes over

Trivia - 

*She doesn't hold her liquor well - She gets tipsy after 2 glasses of anything

*Her favorite color is silver

*She's close with her Oppa

*She has three sets of tattoos - a bird covering the right side of her back, two green and red birds below her belly button, and 'Eun Kyung' on her left

*She hates the bitter taste of coffee

*She good with physical pain

*She can play the drums

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Background - She was born in the city of Bucheon and moved to Seoul when she was four. She went to a private school in her junior high years, but was quickly pulled out when her parents noticed she wasn't really cooperating. As a child she was spoiled because of her rich background. Her father was a car salesman and made lots of money at it. They didn't live in a McMansion or anything, but their house did show that of a wealthy's one. Her mother, a housewife, always scolded her for her bad grades and lack of promise in school and compared her to her  brother, who is currently majoring in communications. Her brother is three years older than her and he is the reason why she matured faster. It all started when he told her Santa Claus wasn't real when she was six. She always hung around with her brother and tended to tag along. After school, he would pick her up from school and afterwards he would go in his own direction and mind his own business. But she always followed him. One day when she was fifteen, he went to hang out with his friends and she followed him. It was dark outside and hardly anybody was on the streets, and him and his friends hung around an alley that was close to a park. They were drinking soju and smoking. Wanting to look cool, she begged him to let her join in on his "activities" and at first he rejected. But she started to annoy and embarrass him to he let her try both. she pretended to like it, even though on the inside she hated it. Soon she got used to both tastes and had to hide the drinking and smoking from her mother along with her brother. Her mother never found out she started drinking and smoking early but knew she did so when Eun Kyung turned 20. In her high school days, she was pretty popular, especially since she hung out with a lot of guys at her school. Some girls became jealous of her, but it wasn't a big deal. Nobody called her a or a bad girl or whatever because they all really knew she wasn't like that. She shared more skinship with the opposite than your normal teenager but that's just how she acts towards them. Whenever she felt like it, she would ask her mom if she could throw a party. Sometimes the answer would be no and sometimes it would be yes. At the parties she invited even people she didn't really talked too. Along with dishes her mother made, she would have beer and soju at the parties and would sometimes end up drunk. Her brother regretted letting her try her first soju and tried to get her to quit. For the first time, she became angered towards her brother and things were tense in the household for quite a while. Even before that problem rose, things were always quiet in her family because they never exchanged feelings well and minded their own business. Her brother practically raised her up until high school.

Family Members -

Cho Hye Ran/46/Housewife/She's uptight and always blames other peoples for her mistakes. She appreciates the finer things in life likes to share them with the rest of her family. She's independent, but she likes to be cared for.

Cho Yong Hee/48/Car Salesman/He awful at depicting others feelings and tries to hard to be friendly towards people. Ironically he's a friendly man who is great with people skills. Like his daughter, he tends to live in the now.

Cho Hyuk Min/25/Senior in college/He's a caring man but he gets irritated easily. He's uptight also, but not as much as their mother. He's generous and warm also, but it's hard for him to express his feelings.

Friends -

Dara/27/Artist/She met her at a club in Myeongdong when it was Dara's day off. She was tipsy at the time and started hitting on Dara. Dara was awkward with her at first, but when they met outside the club, they became close to each other and forgot about that incident.

Son Young Pyo/22/DJ/He was one of the first people Eun Kyung met when she transferred from private school to public school. After a year or so they started dating, but she broke up with him after a little less than ten months. 

Lee Chan Ho/23/Junior in college/Young Pyo introduced Eun Kyung to him because Chan Ho and Young Pyo are best friends. Chan Ho actually taught Eun Kyung how to play the drums.

TOP/24/Artist/She was a back-up dancer for Turn It Up and talked to him after the shooting finished. But they haven't talked since the music video.

Trainee Audition - Eun Kyung always liked being on stage and being the center of attention. So becoming an idol wasn't a shy dream of hers. Her friend, Young Pyo was MCing one night at one of her favorite clubs so she went that night to hang out with him and cheer him on. He was playing a beat without any lyrics, so she hopped up on stage and freestyled. She loved the reaction she got and wanted more of it. Every Saturday, she would perform a rap with the help of Young Pyo's DJ skills. When she was on Cyworld one night uploading selcas, she saw StarDom was hosting auditions. She sent in an audio track of her rapping along with Young Pyo's tracks. A few days later she got a call back. They asked her to perform more than a rap and to come that Friday for a face-to-face audition. They asked her to prepare a dance as well. She decided to just rap one of the old lyrics she written since she already had to choreograph a dance. At the audition, she rapped along to a recorded track and the track included a instrumental/dance break in which she performed a hip-hop routine. After the audition they called a couple days later to tell her she was accepted as a trainee.

Trainee years - 3

Stage Name - Mikki - she decided since only her family and best friends call her this, her fans should also call her by a personal name.

Position - Main Rapper | Lead Dancer

Persona - Fearless Player

Other Jobs - Back-up dancer in both Turn It Up and Knock Out with GD and TOP. 

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Love Interest - MBLAQ's Cheondung and 2NE1's CL

Their personality -

Cheondung has an innocent image. He's very playful/teasing but he's also caring, especially towards his family. He can be slow/dumb at times. His light humor can soften a mood and only enhances her innocent image. He can be dorky at times.

CL is the opposite of Cheondung. She headstrong, confident, outgoing, and has swag. She's not afraid of anything. She still has her silly/dorky side. She has a cool persona to her and she is very mature and responsible. She's humorous and has a "dynamic personality and strong, relentless character".

How you want to meet - Would like it if you decided the meeting

Rivals - N/A

ExBf or ExGf - Son Young Pyo

Others - N/A

Does your character cuss - When she is drunk or in a bad mood

What does your character think about the tragic accident of Flawless - It worries her from time to time because she thinks "That can happen to me". But of course that was one trainee out of hundreds so the chance is slim that she'll be under that much stress. She's the type of person who would never consider suicide. Backing away from selfish thoughts, she feels for the trainee's family.

Any secrets? - 

*She hasn't told her parents when she started drinking and smoking.

*She's embarrassed to tell her friends she's not a . Young Pyo was her first and a girl she met at a club was her second.

*She cheated on Young Pyo with Chan Ho. It was a simple kiss, but they never told him.


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