We Got Married: Special Season - Apply

Application for We Got Married

Name: Lee Jin Ae

Gender: Female

Birthday: 20th April 1990

Age: 21 years old (International || 22 years old (Korean)

Blood Type: A

Personality: Jin Ae can be rude and impatient whenever she is moody. She is usually moody in the morning or when she is tired or sleepy. She is very competitive. She can handle stress quite well so she won’t show her temper under stress. However, she easily gets angry over little things. Yet, she hides her feelings to get along with others. This can be a way of diplaying her consideration of others. Yes, she puts others as her first priority. She is very stubborn though. Being a blood type A, she tends to be a perfectionist at times. She is very open minded. Cheering her up is the easiest thing to do other than ‘a, b, c’. I mean, she laughs and gets over things very easily. Just tell her some jokes and she becomes her normal self again. She also loves skinship. Overall, she is a cheerful and innocent girl. She is nice and sweet to everyone, even strangers. Yet, she is very intelligent so she can’t be fooled easily. She is very trustworthy and responsible. She is extra caring when you are hurt mentally or physically and if you’re sick. Her stubborn-ess and perfectionism are her main flaws.

Partner[from list]: Henry Lau (Super Junior)


Q:Your partner rents an apartment. but when it comes to decorating it, he/she failed. getting your personality all wrong. how do you react?

A:Pretend that I like it and just say comments like ‘this wallpaper doesn’t really suit the house but it’s still nice’.


Q:Your partner goes up for a challenge during all the couple's picnic, against one of the other couple's spouse, he/she boasts that she'll win the awesome prize, and then ends up losing epicly in the end. what was your cheer for them, and do you think it pumped them up or made you think you weren weird?

A:”Mochi~ 加油~ (加油= Good Luck)” (I’ll say the ‘Mochi’ in english and ‘加油’ in chinese.) And I’ll do a little dance. I think it pumped him up but since he ended up losing, I think that he will be disappointed and upset. So I’ll cheer him up again.


Q:How do you and your partner show that your a 'married couple'?

A:We would call each other with our nicknames. Both of us would show aegyo to one another now and then. To others, they would have skinship like kissing on the cheeks or just hugging.


Q:Nicknames for each other:

A:Jinnie and Henchi oppa.


Q:How did you choose the nicknames?:

A:Jinnie is from Jin Ae’s ‘Jin’. Henchi is from Henry and Mochi put together.


Q:What about the 'married couple' symbol? [please have a picture to go with it]

A: Heart-shaped, Pink-coloured Chocolate -> ChocPink.jpg (Link: http://blog.lemonpi.net/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/ChocPink.jpg )


Q:Your characters appearance [please no idols/ullzangs, please choose a normal looking person]:

A: 167069_197708696906283_166481386695681_7


Q:Your favorite picture of your partner:

A: 9d6cda396851f7f93b87ce7at0.jpg


Q:What you two wear when at the apartment you two share:

A:Both of them always wear hoodies in the apartment. They also always hold onto the same long hippo doll. Like when Jin Ae first holds it, Henry just moves closer and holds the other end.


Q:What the two of you wore on your first date:

A:Jin Ae wore a yellow tank top, jacket, jeans and her black Converse sneakers. Henry wore a blue shirt, black jeans, white Converse shoes and had a cap on.


Q:What the two of you wore for your wedding pictures:

A:Both of them wore the traditional hanbok since both of them weren’t Koreans. (Jin Ae is Singaporean)


Q:Anything special you do for each other:

A:Henry is the one who is always making Jin Ae laugh. Jin Ae is the housewife; the one who cooks and cleans the house. Both of them play duets sometimes, Jin Ae plays her guitar and Henry plays his violin. They take a lot of pictures together.


Q:Your characters back story: [please please please don't make it that he/she loves you RIGHT away, it has to start out awkward]

A:Since they were strangers, they were really awkward with each other.Not talking or ignoring each other. But slowly, after some time, they weren’t that awkward anymore. Mainly because Jin Ae was still nice to Henry although he treated her coldly.Henry had reacted that way because Jin Ae was his fan and he was scared that she might be a crazy, screaming fan.


Password[random trivial fact about your partner]:Chubby Cheeks Henry




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