Start of It



I'm Miss_fangirl. And today, I decided that every week, I shall tell you a little of my life.

Today, I'm just going to re-introduce myself.

Hi! I'm Miss_fangirl. I have a graphics shop and I'm currently writing ' Her Mate '. Check it out if you want to.

Nahhhhh~ Thats too formal!

Let's try that out again.

Hi! I'm Joey. I have been writing fanfictions since I was 11. Now I'm 13.

I have an elder sister, her name is Jean. But this blog is more about me, not her.

I'm Chinese and I have a blogspot. But I shall reveal my website some time next century.

Erm.. My favourite drink is Monster and Mountain Dew. I'm a left hander.

Joining was all because I wanted a spot on the featured section. I had been reading fanfictions and one fine day I decided to be brave and write a story.

I currently reside in Singapore.

I play netball and volleyball.

I have no idea what to write about.

Since this blog thing is a random thing I started today, I shall randomly end it here.

Feel free to PM me.

And for the 10 people that actually read till here. [ Congrates ]

Here's my Instagram: @brusiedheart_

Do follow, although I don't post kpop things, I will randomly follow back.

Its also an outlet for you guys to see how retarded I look and you know, for you guys to kinda know me a little better.


[ Hint: Next week I might be talking about self esteem ]


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