↷ towards the lost world + Lee Sungyeol


The Lost World
Speedy Lad
"The search for our friend begins now."


Why, hello there~

Username: alcyonen
Do you have a name?: Ji
Activeness: 7/10

Fill me in with your details
Name: Lee Sungyeol
*Nickname(s): Choding (because he is that immature.)
Owl (by [Radiant Lily's name], for having a similar face to one and... nocturnal.)
Blink-blink (by [Aerial Ace's name] or anyone who wants to , as he can run in a blink of an eye.)
Age: 17
Birthday: August 27, 1997
Ethnicity: Fully Korean
Language(s): Korean (very fluent) and Japanese (basic)
Birthplace: Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Blood Type: B
Reveal the true you

Visual name: Lee Sungyeol
Visual Gallery: x x
Back up visual name: Jung Hoseok
Visual Gallery: x
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 64kg.
*Anything else: nine piercings at the left ear, two at the right. (This is a bit extreme, but he rarely wears ALL of his piercings, usually one or two.
Fashion: Somehow, everything are really simple and often bright colored. Rarely dark or neutral color, and if it is, it's usually white. Normally blue jeans, as he didn't like the whole black thing. Though, one thing, he often mismatched everything and required a helper (usually his younger brother) to match everything up.
Behind the facade
Personality: The best way to describe Sungyeol is... the sun.
He isn't a typical ideal boy a mom would be proud of; but at least he is a guy you would like to be with in the gloomiest days. A pretty loud-mouthed guy who would basically yells everything that he wants to spit out (and often earn fireball attacks from Vivacious Ember or just being chased by the rest of the team).  He grinned at least 95% of the time, and quite a good person on doing his body gags (unfortunately, it did concern Radiant Lily), all just for the sake for them to cheer up. Doesn't really work most of the time, except for a few people. Rarely. And unfortunately, he himself thought it was the best to make himself a bit more miserable so people would  cheer up. Nope. They actually preferred his often hilarious comments or snarky comebacks in an almost-impossible questions ( answers or not). Besides, talk to him a bit and you would find a pretty good comfort. And either he was a really bold person or a good liar, he did have a pretty mysterious aura... in a way. So, while he may be a bit of a childish manchild who likes to be a major big-mouth and prankster, he really cared and would be affected by his close friends or family's moods and really wished to cheer them up in a glum day or be happy with them. Overall, a fun-loving guy, and a guy who is really curious. Acting up might be his forte, but if he is curious, he is truly earnest and sincere about it. And lastly, he is more than willing to sacrifice himself to his friends.
Unfortunately, while he is a really nice guy who likes to cheer people, he himself have an inexplicable moodswings. Sometimes he is sad, a second later he is laughing, the next hour he is crying, etc. (But screw that, it's just some kind of... metaphor? I mean, he's on the emotional side, not that  bipolar) And never, ever, ever piss him off. Once he is angry, he isn't going to act up angry, he is really mad. First it may start by him looking in incredulity, but later, he might smash something  and push you to the ground if you take his possesions away. Him holding himself  back is something he can do, but pushing his buttons will make you out in his blacklist for the rest of eternity  the week. Not  only that, he did had some relationship with girls that kinda ends with him getting angry and having to be hold back by his friends. While he did starts drumming since he was five (and actually interested, unlike his mostly short-lived interest in other subjects), he had some anger management issues to hold on. Not like he was on good terms with a few (like Vivacious Ember who likes to pester him way too much). Fortunately, if he isn't that angry, he can still act it up. He isn't abusive, but, without the care of his teammates, it could've been that way. (edit: I mean that he could be worse than fatally flawed if not for the support of his friends and family, which is pretty much what they do right now and since he's a kid).
Is actually pretty popular with a few girls and has a few fanclubs; but its pretty small.
Making coffee
Happy things
Ice Cream
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Physical Education
Shojo mangas (girly mangas, he called them)
Waking up early
Horror movies
Last Airbender movie
Blocked nerve
Dying friends
Easily defeated
People flirting on [Radiant Lily's name].
Fifty Shades of Grey [ew.]
When nobody sees, he will pick on his nose.
Snoring when sleeping.
Screams like a dolphin when he saw blood.
Taking animals and play with them (lizards, crabs, even cockroaches.)
Using the creepier insects to prank his younger brother or friends.
Playing with the owl face to get what he wants from [Radiant Lily's name]
Playing drums
Being barista
Had tried to sleep inside a box because there was not enough bed and the floor was too cold.
Was a Twilight fan sometime before he was 15.
Tried dating before, but it was a failure.
Tried escaping out of the car using the window, but it ends with [Aerial Ace's name] using his wind to pull him out.
Started to play drums when he was five.
His weapons are shurikens or occasionally, boomerangs.
Crying in a wedding because the wallpaper is too gorgeous.
Looked rather dumb, but he is streetsmart, using logic over facts (which may be a bit more illogical)
Though he is one of the best drummers in school, he doesn't join the music club because he hates being so restricted in singing [while he prefers rap way more].
Really dislikes YA dystopian books for inscrutable reasons (except The Giver; he has a soft spot on that one.)
*Pet(s): Kko, a Round Island Burrowing Boa. Found the large snake when he was looking out for [Lost Boy's name]. He was planning on giving a ridiculous name (Mucus or something like that), but [Radiant Lily's name] told him the name, 'Kko', which came from the Korean name for flower, Kkot (꽃). Otherwise, he does have a Jeju dog pup back in his small apartment named Lock, which he adopted while he was running home from school in a heavy rain. Seeing the dog  in the brink of death gave him the sympathy to take it to Solbi, albeit still in a grudge with her for spraying water at him while nearby a pool. Healed, Lock wanted Sungyeol to be with him.
Without them, I am not who I am today
Family Background/History:
Sungyeol was born to a Lieutenant and a housewife as the firstborn. When he was born, his father was away, serving for military duty. When he grew up as a child, his father was rarely present in his life, usually away for important mission. Whenever he's home, he will command and punish Sungyeol for petty mistakes, and this caused Sungyeol to grow hatred and resent his father a lot. While his mother was patient and understanding towards his father's rather brash nature, Sungyeol doesn't. In reality, his father just want his son to protect himself. With this, Sungyeol ran away from home... a lot. It might be hard to count how much he actually run, but if even the police knew, that was certainly unhealthy. He started playing drums this time around to vent out frustration.
What Sungyeol didn't really know, was, when he was young, he was born as a premature baby, dying from slow heart rate. His father begged to save him by asking Korean's government about a program they made, called "Mute". When the government refused, he asked his wife, a scientist, to steal the chemicals neede to save Sungyeol. His wife, also agitated, stole the needed ones and used them to save him. The operation was a huge success, but as the chemicals were the newest from previous failed experiments, there were no other ways to make a new one. The government, angry from their antics, took Sungyeol's mother's position away, and his father was punished by being demoted. While he was demoted and striving to be back, Sungyeol got several physical changes, as he grew taller than the rest of the kids, or the way he had quick nerves. Two years later, Sungyeol's younger brother, Lee Daeyeol, was born. Sungyeol cared for Daeyeol, though it was little shown due to the fact that he knew [Radiant Lily's name]. He started playing with her when he saw she was rather lonely drawing. Teasing, and even teaching her how to prank. But he cared when she is hurt, just not the romantic way. Currently lived away from his parents in an apartment alone, working part-time as a drummer in an outside-school band, due to his studies and repaying monthly debts. And wanting to be independent, though he visits his mom and [Radiant Lily's name] regularly every weekend. His brother schooled in the same place.
  • Father¦ Lee Wonshik ¦49¦ Lieutenant¦A strict person with his children, as family is second to country for him. Though in reality, he just want them to be safe.¦Sungyeol rarely sees his father, and it grew as a hatred and resentment. Rebels A LOT at his father.
  • Mother¦ Kim Semi¦47¦ Ex-scientist, now a housewife ¦She is quiet when not asked, but she still cares for people, a bit more than her husband¦Sungyeol like his mom more than his father, though they are rather quiet when they're together.
  • Brother¦ Lee Daeyeol ¦ 15 ¦ student ¦ Serious, reserved, though understanding, spitting image of Sungyeol¦ Daeyeol is basically the polar opposite of Sungyeol. But it seems like they actually understand each other, though sometimes Sungyeol said that Daeyeol was no fun. Daeyeol, though bad at jokes, can (and always will) listen to Sungyeol's "vomit". Though he was still confused over Sungyeol's speed abilities.


  • Kim Sunggyu¦17¦ nahh¦ extrovert, naggy, and had the physical body of an 80 years old.¦ Sungyeol had been knowing him since they were little. Was enemies with him in elementary, but in high school, they're good friends. Though they've never touch really private subject, at least they are quite understanding over those problems.¦
    • [Aerial Ace's name]¦16-17¦ [follow the plotline] ¦ [blunt, modest, and rather snarky, loves to tease Sungyeol] ¦ Sungyeol met him when introduced to the group. ¦ They are similar, but ever heard how the same ones repel? Well, it is the case. While Sungyeol was rather a dummy on arguing, Aerial Ace is even more snarky. But they do provide good humor and often do pranks together, as long as they don't touch the other's sore spot.

*Best Friends:

  • Nam Woohyun ¦17¦ nahh¦ extrovert, and quite flirty with girls.¦ They are best friends since little, and they really took a likening in a few stuffs, such as pranking or sharing and telling stories. They bicker a lot like a married couple, and seemed to look lik they hate each other to the bone. But, Woohyun is probably a major big brother figure for him, and actually pretty concerned when he saw Sungyeol had cuts and bruises in his hands (because Sungyeol had done a pretty taboo subject sometime in his tween eras).¦
  • [Radiant Lily's name]¦16-17¦ [follow the plotline]¦ [gentle, shy, quiet and motherly]¦ Sungyeol met her when she was alone by herself, drawing his mother's flowers ¦ They are quite the opposite, but she understands his feelings, and he cared for her so much in return. He was the one who teach her pranks or to be more playful around people, while she make him a bit more gentle and understanding in return. Sungyeol despised anyone who flirts with her and may beat them up.
    • [Future Reader's name]¦16-17¦ [follow the plotline] ¦ [wise, cool, suave, and a good leader figure to Sungyeol.] ¦ Sungyeol met him when they are younger, but older than the time he met [Radiant Lily's name]. ¦ They are the opposite, as Sungyeol barely understood the way he talked (too old man, he said), but bit by bit, he was awed by him. The latter was rather amused by the way Sungyeol was a jokeful and shameless.
  • [Lost Boy's name]¦16-17¦ [follow the plotline] ¦ [goofy but can be serious at times too] ¦They met each other at school, and live pretty close to each other (though not neighbourhood next door)¦ Sungyeol wasn't exactly fond over the other, but unknowingly, they are rather good. I mean, the way Sungyeol likes to play pranks and the other, if not too serious, is rather okay and just have fun over it. As payback, the latter bothers Sungyeol a lot when he is bored. That says a lot because Sungyeol had been bothered so much that he felt empty when the other was missing.
Are you my Soulmate?
Love Interest's Plotline:  Dating with Americano on Starbucks.
Once upon a love story: Well, he said that.

Show me what you got

Plotline: Speedy Lad
Ability: He can run at really fast speed, usually due to the fact that he ran faster/as fast as light. When the enemy faced him, they might be confused because he basically disappeared from their sight and attacked them out of nowhere. Though his best abilities are running and dodging, he had quick reflexes, that when something is coming, he is the first one to warn the others or dodge safely. Like enchanced senses, but mostly the nerves, and little more to senses like hearing. His flexibility also helps when there are agile enemies, as he is really quick and might do it in a single minute. Additionally, due to fast speed, he can held a larger amount of G-force (err, Physics stuff).
Though, his powers are limited to speed, which can be quite underestimated. Not only that, if someone attacked him with a pretty powerful blast, he might be down and affected the use of his legs. Also, if one of his nerves are blocked (chi blocking), it may damage the use of his reflexes and flexibility. Agile but fragile.
How & when did you discovered them: He discovered them when he tried running away from his father's punishment. What he didn't realize is, he ran all the way from Yongin to Suwon, which is 9 kilometres. Police found him sleeping in a PC room after searching and tracking him through witnesses. They said that they saw a boy running at an unusual speed. When his mother knew it, she decided to tell Sungyeol about his powers, unbeknown to his father. Rather than being scared about it, he was happy due to the fact that he can run away without getting punished. Luckily, he was still more fillial to his mother.
Hasta Luego
*Do you have any concerns?: err, is it okay I put it rather humorously with the love interest parts?
*Scene Suggetion(s): request is done.
*Anything else?: Well, I guess no? I'm hoping for the best.
Password: Toy Trawler Spaniel


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I'm in love. That's all I can say. I really hope you'd get to RP this character, because you deserve it.