↻ ❝STOLEN HEART❞ — Kwon Kyung Mi

Kwon Kyung Mi

username — HelloKitty10755

nickname — Cortney

activity rate — 9.9


name — Kwon Kyung Mi

nickname — Kyu - Kiseop calls her that

birthdate — 03/14/97

birthplace — Chuncheon, South Korea

hometown — Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Full Korean

language — Korean: Fluent
English: Basic





face claim — Kim Sooyeon (Mint)

gallery — Here

backup face claim — Sori/Cherry

gallery — Here


HEIGHT — 165 cm
WEIGHT — 52 kg

fashion styleHere


plotline — The Writer

traits — (+) Trustworthy, Caring, Quiet, Intelligent
                   (-) Shy, Forgetful, Mysterious, Stubborn, Quick-tempered

personality — 

I am usually described very quiet and always spends her time with her nose stuck in a book. I prefer quiet places because I can relax and wonder off into my own little world. I'm very shy, prefering to stay by myself rather than going up to other people and introduce myself. Because I'm not very outgoing, I prefer to spend my time in the library, where all my favorite novels are located, rather than going out to clubs or parties. I am also very stubborn girl. Anytime I make a decision, I have to go through it. Though sometimes it may be a good trait, it's often one of my worst traits because sometimes my decisions aren't the best. Since I'm shy, I'm also very mysterious since I always stay in the background and never really talk to anybody. Despite being shy, I'm very quick-tempered. Do one thing wrong and you will face my wrath.

I wish I was more outgoing though. I watch my classmates have so many people following them and I wish I were that popular too. But sI'm also scared of what people might think of her. I study quite a lot due to reading so many books.

background —
I was born in Chuncheon, South Korea to two loving parents, Kwon Jungwook and Ahn Hyun-Jae. My father worked as a banker and my mom stayed home to take care of me while writing short stories that she read to me. However when I 13, my father's business started to lay off workers and my father got laid off. Wanting to find another job, my dad moved us to Seoul where he found another job as a banker and my mom started to write stories and publish them. 

At a young age, I watched my mom write stories and she would read them out loud to me when I couldn't fall asleep. So when I wrote my first short story at the age of 12, my mom was really surprised and started giving tips on how to make it better and told me to always bring a notebook and pencil so I could write down my inspiration as soon as I got them.

↻ Flowers
↻ Plushies
↻ Cameras
↻ Pastel Colors
↻ Classical Music
↻ Mystical Things
↻ Daydreaming
↻ Writing
↻ Journalism
↻ Books
↻ Rain
↻ Spring
↻ Fairytales

dislikes — 
↻ Humid Weather
↻ Math
↻ Loud Noises
↻ Winter
↻ Bugs
↻ Getting up early

hobbies — 
↻ Daydreaming
↻ Nail Art
↻ Writing Stories
↻ Drawing
↻ To get one of my stories published
↻ Meet a lot of famous writers and hear about their inspirations

↻ Bugs
habits — 
↻ Staring into space when she's bored
↻ Crossing her legs when sitting in her chair
↻ Covering when she laughs
↻ Biting her lips when she's nervous
↻ Carrying around a notebook and pencil so she can write down ideas when she gets them
↻ Carrying around a camera so she can take pictures of her inspiration

trivias —
↻ Favorite jewels are rose quartz
↻ Favorite flowers are jasmines
↻ Believes in love at first sight and happily ever after
↻ Owns a lot of camera necklaces
↻ Favorite camera is Nixon Nikkor DSLR
↻ Hasn't gotten a first kiss yet
↻ Knows how to make paper stars
↻ Favorite quote is "Love is like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it."
↻ Talent is writing stories and knows how to play the guitar


family — 

— Kwon Jungwook | Father | My father knows that I like to write stories because that makes me happy so he doesn't really bother me about it.

— Ahn Hyun-Jae | Mother| My mother also likes to write so sometimes she'll read a few of my things and sometimes we'll write together.


friends — 

— Seo Joo-Hyun | Best Friends | We met at the school library | Both of us like to read and so we'll recommend books for each other to read. She also likes to read my stories and she secretly writes a few stories of her own.


love interest — Lee Kiseop

backup love interest — Lee Byunghun


AGE — 18
TALENTS — Photography
personality — He's known to be very quirky and fun to be around. He's in my photography class and he seems really fun to be around. He has a 4-D personality that a lot of people can't understand but somehow, I can understand what his 4D mind is thinking. He can be very caring and kind to people around him and he rarely has a temper so if you do something bad, he'll understand and forgive you.
INTERACTION — We act like brother and sister, always bickering about the smallest things but we also understand each other very well. If one of us is in a bad mood, the other one will know exactly what to do to help us cheer up. However when our hands touch by accident, it feels like there is an electric current running through my fingers and I'm unconsciously finding myself avoiding his hands.
HOW YOU MET — I was outside taking pictures of the cherry blossoms that was blooming on campus and suddenly I heard a click off to the side. Turning my head, I saw Kiseop with a camera in his hands just as he finished taking a picture of me. Getting angry, I yelled him to delete the picture and he playfully stuck his toungue out and I chased him around until the bell rang.

relationship — Very close friends/Crushes


love RIVAL — Jung Jinyoung

backup love RIVAL — Gong Chanshik


AGE — 18
TALENTS — Writing
personality — He will probably be awarded the "Class Joker" award if our school actually gave out awards like that. He will crack jokes whenever and wherever he wants to. But of course, under that layer of making jokes, he's very caring and likes helping people. He can endur hardships really well. He just doesn't say anything about his hardships. 
INTERACTION — We act like how regular friends would be. We'll say hi to each other whenever we see each other and if we have something to talk about, we'll talk to each other. He likes to look at my writing and maybe even adding a few ideas of his own and helping me write more ideas. 
HOW YOU MET — We met during writing class when the teacher parterned us up to write a short story about romance. However, I had already finished the rough draft before Jinyoung could even say anything. But when he read it, he really like it and he didn't want to add anything because he was afraid that he might mess it up if he did.

relationship — Friends


(replace both the pictures of sora to your rival)

RIVAL — full name

backup RIVAL — full name


AGE — 
personality — 



WHY DID YOU CHOOSE [Lee Kiseop] AS YOUR LOVE INTEREST?  — I really like his quirky self and his jokes are really funny. Also his story about the time when he almost commited suicide was really sad and I can relate with that. So I want to give him more love.
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE [Jung Jiyoung] AS YOUR LOVE RIVAL? — Same as Kiseop. He's very quirky and he has a very unique voice and plus almost all of B1A4's songs are composed by him. So I really like their songs. 

WHY DO YOU THINK I SHOULD CHOOSE YOU? — It's up to you who you want to pick but it would be nice to be a part of this story. Because I rarely see other boy groups in applyfics except EXO. So it would be nice to see a variety of boy groups in an applyfic.
WHY DID YOU DECIDED TO APPLY? — Same reason as above. More boy groups, the better. And also, the idea and plotlines were really interesting.


comments — I hope you like Kyung Mi. If there's anything you want me to change, please tell me. Writing in my point of view was a first for me and it felt awkward but hey, you can always try new things.
suggestions  — If you were planning on writing this whole thing in the girls' point of view, it would be nice to write in the guys' point of view from time to time so we can see what the guys are thinking.

scene requests — 
↻ Kiseop secretly taking pictures of Kyung Mi when she isn't looking and putting them in a little photo album
↻ Kyung Mi has an inspiration suddenly when she's with Kiseop and turns out that inspiration was Kiseop himself.
↻ The girls reading Kyung Mi's stories and asks her if she could write a short story for each of them
↻ Jinyoung stealing one of Kyung Mi's story
↻ Kiseop and Jinyoung attempting to be friends though anyone could see that they're not fond of each other.

↻ Kiseop giving Kyung Mi a rose and then Jinyoung giving Kyung Mi a carnation.

passwordI LOVE YOU

turn in — back to the story


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