#4 : We Are One ! Just In Different Galaxy :).

Hello :)


Soooo, i'm really happy because Kris/Wu Yi Fan just update his instagram, it really made my entire day (and possibly the day after too).


It's good, really good, when i read all the supportive comment, even though there will be haters, but i hope he can be strong and do what his heart desired.


I'm not saying that all haters are bad of course, just the one who write negative stuffs. Can't you just say nothing ? Would you like it if i said something like that to you ?


Well, now that i'm visibly cheered up by his update (seriously, i can't stop smiling), there is always a question in my mind ever since i joined the Kpop realm


How do you stan/like a group ?


Like, for me, if i don't like even one person of the group, i just can't watch them or support them (i don't have them though)


But yeah, i just post because i have nothing to do right now. Just wanted to say :


-for exotics, please support both EXO and Kris, because he is one of the twelve who works hard to make EXO.be the group they are now (and he didn't leave with hate to EXO right ?). Even if you don't support both, please respect them and think about their feelings before writing something about them.


-for my friends or whoever read this sad excuse of a blog, i love you all and have a nice day (you can add me as a friend, i don't bite, just shy)






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