Crystal Clear Prejudice.

Calling yourself ugly when you are actually pretty
Calling yourself fat when you are actually skinny
Calling yourself dark when you are actually fair
Calling yourself short when you at actually tall
Calling yourself dumb when you are actually smart
Calling yourself bad when you are actually kind
Calling yourself imperfect when you are actually perfect
That's what we called as attention seekers.

Calling yourself pretty when you are actually ugly
Calling yourself skinny when you are actually fat
Calling yourself fair when you are actually dark
Calling yourself tall when you are actually short
Calling yourself smart when you are actually dump
Calling yourself kind when you are actually bad
Calling yourself perfect when you are actually imperfect
That what we called as self deception.

Do you know how it feel 
When other keep showering those attention seekers with good word
When other love pretty people so bad and keep praising them
When those pretty people denying the praise and tell other that they are actually ugly, fat, dark, and imperfect
When other don't even notice the ugly even you're next to the pretty 
When other ignore the ugly even in a tight situation
When I'm hurt.

Why the pretty get so much respond with just one useless word
Why the ugly don't even get a respond even they write a useful long word
Why other keep praising the pretty and love them so much
Why other don't even look at the ugly no matter how perfect their personality is.
It's common when people loves something beautiful
But up the ugly also have a feeling.

It's common when people keep praising something beautiful
But the ugly also want to be praise.

Everyone want to be beautiful
So do the ugly. 

The reason behind all this prejudice was so simple and it's crystal clear.
It is because
The pretty get so much love because they're pretty.
The ugly don't even get attention because they're ugly.



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