Tired of Waiting.

Hey gang^^ Yeah you my awesome gang. My friends, my subscribers, my readers and my story viewers. Do you miss my story updates? MIAN MIAN MIAN!!! MIANHAE~ I did not have the intention to made you guys waited for me. I'm totally, definitely, 100% sorry. I apologize for my bad behavior. I'm such a bad author. Some of you had been waiting since the first time i wrote the stories. Mianhae. I told you guys in my story Offense FELL Into My Hands, I'm in my senior year. I'm totaly having a hectic life. I'm quiet stressed out. Definitely frustrated. So many things happen this year. I'm totally going to make it up for you guys. Just wait for a while, okay? I'll be there.


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HaraDura #1
i'm in my senior year too , okayy , bahahaha . .chill :3