#2: One Spoon of Idea, Two Drops of Writing Essence, As Much Motivation As You Want

Hello :) . I'm done reviewing, and i'm not sure if there's still anyone who will request for a review, so i got some free time. I'm also on holiday right now, yay !


So i really want to write something, especially after reading and reviewing so many stories, it makes me wonder if i can be a good writer or not. I don't have any interest or talent in writing but i really want to share my idea here.


I guess if i really write a story it will consist of really simple vocabulary haha. English is my second language, and i'm the type who listen and read well, but i can't speak well.


I do have some ideas right now, both for chaptered and oneshot (and drabbles, omg). But i have a problem with making the plot works. Of course it will be boyxboy and with groups that i know well enough (maybe i know more about them than about my siblings -__-)


I'll do my best to post a story as soon as i type it in Word. I'm actually the type who wants to plan everything first, so maybe my "soon" will be longer than expected.


I hope i can be good writer like most of the writer here and livejournal :).



Bye !



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