RRS Park Hye Su


You wish to know me

username: Liltaytay45

profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/723239

nickname: Taylor


My life starts here

character name: Park Hye Su

Nickname: Sue or Sunny 

Place of birth: Busan, South Korea

Location before going to RRS: Seattle, WA

age: 19

birthdate: 10/06/1995


REal me is here and ready for action

Personality: She is very knowledgable when it comes to History and Math, but everything else no. She tends to be a quiet person in front of people she doesn't know, but once she gets to know them she is like an open book that is cheerful. She likes to be by herself when she gets overwhelmed or avoid fighting. She loves to bring her notebook whereever she goes, so she writes her feelings and thoughtful stories. Hye Su hates when people fight she tries to be the peace maker, but if that doesn't work and if shes pushed to the limit she will swear like theres no to morrow. She is a clumsy person who will trip over her own feet or bump into a wall (Accident Prone), she likes to help students with homework. Hye is really sensetive about people hating her, but she slowly tries to fix her mistake. she has an Inspiring optimism and she believes in herself. she is very determined and persistent. she is quite meek and won't share her opinion/Thoughts, if she thinks someone else has something better. She is wonderfully "Passionate" about everything and so kind and caring, and won't judge you. 

Background: Hye Su was born in Busan, South Korea, but had to leave to the US because of her dad job. Hye Su was to smart for her own good, she manage to skip 2nd grade because of her smarts, no one knew why she jumped, but it didn't bother her what people said about her, she was just living life. She never had a dad even when her "adopative" mom was with her, her "mom" had told her she had found her in front of his house when she was a baby, Hye Su figured she didn't relate to her, but she loved her as any other kid would love their parent. She was always protective of her when Hye su goes by herself, Somehow when she turned 16 and went into highschool she was bullied alot because she was smart, alll her classmates had always broken into her locker and ripping her books, beat her up when no one was around, but she had 3 close friends and they helped her a lot. Hye Su mom would try and in her school life but Hye su didn't want her to stress because of her work for being a lawer. She continued high school being strong for herself and her mom. She never voiced to stick up herself because she was worried people make fun of her. She plays piano alot but doesn't know why she felt connected to be with music.

Likes: Listening and playing music, writing poetry and stories, chocolate, video gaming, going on her computer, reading mythology books, cleaning, hanging out with friends, and History class (She has been into it since she was young)

Dislikes: Spiders, liars, bullying, swimming, and peer pressure

Fears: Everyone going against her, the darkness (Since she has sun and light power), Water (She almost drowned)

Trivia: Carries a laptop everywhere, Has manga books and fantasy books in her room, huge fan of rock music, Takes photograpghy of people or sceneries, wears nerd glasses, has a huge pikachu pillow, loves taking hot baths, always listens to music.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, Astrology and playing piano

appearance: Park Hye Min

appearance #2: Jung Min Hee
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/jung-min-hee

clothing style: http://www.pinterest.com/valeriayepiz/ariana-grande-fashion/
. She loves to wear sweat pants when they have a day off or if they train, wears nerd glasses cause she can't see far distance (I forgot what wording)


Familly and school probelms, like always ~_~

Immortal parrent a.k.a God: Apollo 

Power: Has the power of Sun and light, healing

Back up power: Oracle 

The section your character will fall in: Saint Blessed

Back up section: Rose Sting

Mortal parrent:  Real Mom| Eun Ji
Adaopative Mom
 Park Soo Hyun| 46| Loving and protective| Lawer

friends: Brandon| 18 | Funny and caring| No job
           Carissa| 18| Sweet and understanding| No job
           Bryanna|19| Crazy and funny| college student


I'M FALLING FOR a Demigod...shocker -_-

love interest: Kim Jun Myeon (Suho)

His personality: Suho is known for his kindness and hardwork he does for his group. He enjoys helping others, He is a gentleman, he tries to cheer people and likes to buy people things like food. He is a smart guy.

In which section is he in: Saint Blessed

back-up love interest: Kim Jongin (Kai)

back-up personality: He is known for his good looks and smirks, but he tends to be shy around people he doesn't know, but doesn't like to show it. He can be hot headed when something goes wrong. He cares about the people he likes.

In which section is he in: Rose sting

Your characters first meeting with him: {can you do it for me ? thank you}


LET the new life in RRS start

scene requests: {if you want some special scene between you and your love interest or anything else...you are allowed to go bananas on this one:}

anything you want to ask me?: This is a comment, but this is such an amazing idea for a apply fic good job !

PASSWORD:  RRS Evolution


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