My dear puppies

Hello people!! I’ve been bored since my cute puppies were gone. Ugh!!! Appa!!! What did I do??? It’s okay he gave them of but… but… he gave Mongu away!!! Ahaaaaaaa~ /sob/ I loved Mongu!!!!! Here… See these pics. It’s Mongu, Mangu, Jingu, Jongu and Jangu.

I'll start with the mama.

Whisky   Grown upwhen she was 2 which means now

This is Whisky when she was only 7 months old. My cutie.              .

whisky's sweet, patient and cute. She never growls at me or anybody at home no matter what we do to her. She's extra agressive when it comes to food /She doesn't bite us but her kids and same creature/ She used to be scardy like She was supposed to chase after a cat and cause harm but it's the vice versa. But now she's become more protective and pushy after she gave birth. But still nice to me.


This  is Mangu /Is the strongest from all. He was the first pup to eat and has a huge apetite. Likes to try new things with new places.


Mongu. /One of my favorites. He's picky when it comes to food. Sweet just like his mom. Mongu-ya.... ah~ I miss you!!!


Jangu. /He's probably a scardey dog. Doesn't he seem like it?/


Jongu /Gee what's wrong with his head? Enormous! He's agressive when it comes to food. But whines a lot/


And Jingui /She has quiet a temper. She doesn't like being brushed or hit or anything that could cause her harm.

But now 4 of them are gone. Only Jangu is left. I beggd dad to keep Mongu with us but didn't approve of him. Oh gosh I can't wait to give Jangu off. I hate him. I hope he'll be gone anytime soon....





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so cuuuuute!!! i wish i have a dog too