What is your intake on this, guys?! :) (Life advice blog! :D)

hello everyone! Yep, I'm making another 'asking for advice' blog. LOL!
I'll write down my question and I'd really appreciate and be greatful if you can help me. :)

I'm also going to work on my Donghae fic later today and I'll try to have updates up again,

Now, the thing is, you remember that guy who added me on facebook from elementary school who
used to bully me and I got mad at him? Well, I feel really bad about it now.

I was thinking about it and I remember that some other guy from school added me as well (he used
to bully me a lot as well), and I declined his friend request...because, I was unsure of what
he's like now. Do you guys think I should add him again to see if we can be friends and what he's

I'm trying to forgive and forget everything in my past and make way for my future, you know?
I could really use more friends and ive been trying to add more ppl on my facebook that I used
to know!

My question is, do you think its a good idea if I added him and tried to talk to him?
What would you guys do?

Please let me know in the comments below, It'd be great to hear from you guys!!! :D

Also, I really like my crush, but the thing is...he wont even talk to me now! I've tried to
message him a few times, and I think hes ignoring me :( Do you think I should just forget about
I would really like to be his friend, even though I like him and he doesnt like me that way.
It's just I feel sad that he doesnt even want to talk to me anymore!!!

What should I do?!?!?!?!



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I think that you should add them and just see where it goes. And for the guy liking you think, the same exact thing happened to me. He just stopped talking to me one day. I later found out that he found out that I liked him and get really scared that it woukd ruin everything because hw thought of me as his little sister. I dont know what to do about it so I cant really tell you anything :/
mauge92 #2
You should add them, it happened to me, a guy that used to be in my class apologized with me even tough he didn´t bully me, he wanted to do it bc he felt sorry for laughing at me. Either way, i never payed attention to him in class or cared about his apology xDD. Just let him approach you, don´t talk to him fist.
With your crush.....idk, just let some time pass and try to message him again and/ or just ask him if he want you to stop writing to him.
Poptart180 #3
When it comes to friends that were in elementary school with you, I say add them. I know a lot of guys that bullied me in elementary school. After all the years they said it was because they liked me and they still do now. It's up to you to choose whether you want to be friends with them. Im not saying all will be like that, because not all of them are. But if they want to be your friend them I'm sure its not to bully you again. Plus they might just add you just to add you. I mean...it IS Facebook lol. Don't hold trudged for things of the past or they WILL have something to bully you for. You don't want that.