Back Back Back Back Back with YO(Gy)U


YAY INFINITE is back. I wasn't extremely looking forward to them coming back because Last Romeo did not do very well (ugh blame the merger because it reflected badly in the eyes of the fans who could not accept the merger and left) and so I was like "repackaged album? uhhhh it's okay, they can rest!" 


Then I SAW THE VIDEO. (click the words THE VIDEO if you want to watch it!)


It's not too much, just a behind the scenes photoshoot, but WITH AUDIO = with teaser music. 

and boy, I didn't regret clicking it. 

The instrumental (perhaps intro) hit me with its smooth strings, and little piano? and then BOOM GYU's voice going "BACK BACK BACK BACK BACK~" I went crazy immediately. (it's a gyu thing, only gyu stans can understand aha)

I was like I NEED MORE OF THIS BACK BACK BACK RIGHT NOW. Because the one of the infinity amount of reasons why I love gyu is obviously because of his voice. So yes. HIS VOICE and the instrumental. I'm excited. Are the rest of you excited too? Someone send me a gif of that biting lip gyu RIGHT NOW and I'll love you for life. 


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