I went to the bank by myself. Haha

I guess having a new baby brother isn't always so wonderful. -___- Since I'm the oldest child in my family, I'm more mature enough to do things on my own, go places on my own. But my mom has been making me go places a little too much. Today she told me to go to a lot of places while she stayed in the car with the baby. So yeah, today I went to three restaurants and the grocery store all by myself. She just asks if I have money then tells me to go buy the things for her. Wow, what would my life be like when I can drive? Haha XD My mom even made me go to the bank by myself. Can you imagine a 13-year old at the bank by herself? That was a funny experience though. I didn't have to say a thing. I just handed them something my mom told me to give them, then they asked me a question. I didn't know what they were talking about so I just nodded yes. Then they gave me a receipt. I didn't know wtf I did. When I returned to my mom, she asked for the receipt so I knew I did the right thing. Haha XD I'm not really complaining. It's not my mom's fault that she has to stay with the baby. It's over 100 degrees outside, so of course it's not good for a baby to be outside. Plus she has to drive herself. It's just that now I'm really tired and hot from being outside a lot. So now I'm gonna catch up on whatever show I've been missing (WGM). And I'll be in my room, on my bed, enjoying the AC. Haha XD


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wow im older than you and i have never went to the bank alone, the only place i go alone is the grocery-pharmacy store XD
Hey, you're growing up! Start preparing for your future. :DD
The only place I can go is walking around the neighborhood. LOL. xD
sakura94exo #4
aww your growing up!
lucky, im not even allowed to go to the bank.. not that i want to go