My Thoughts on Advertised Stories.

Authors Who Buy Karma:

I am skeptical of how some authors earn so much karma; I see the bids go up to nearly fifteen thousand points sometimes, and I highly doubt authors commented more than ten thousand times, or have enough unique subscribers to have that much karma (because if you have enough subscribers to have that much karma, why would you need to advertise in the first place?). I know some readers give karma to their favorite authors, but I feel like most who advertise buy karma with money. To me, it’s just buying fame. Personally, I don’t want to buy my fame; I want to earn it.

Maybe it’s just me: My family’s poor, so I guess I just find putting my money toward food and shelter and education more important than some popularity and praise. Regardless, I know we all have different priorities in life and different reasons for doing things. If you want to buy karma, and can afford to buy karma, then by all means do whatever the hell you want. Your life, your money, your choice.

Authors Who Advertise Their Stories:

There’s nothing wrong with advertising, though. If I ever gain enough karma to advertise my story, I would. (Actually I wouldn’t, ’cause my stories aren’t worth being on the front page, lmao.) To say that people who advertise their stories are just “greedy for fame” is not right in my opinion. What’s wrong with wanting recognition for something you put days’ worth of your life into? Most stories don’t take just one or two hours to finish, especially long ones or ones with complex characters/plot. Can’t you imagine how sad someone must feel to work so hard on something, and not be praised for it even a little?

Idols go around doing guerilla concerts to get their name out there. Restaurants hire people to pass out fliers or wave signs around on the street. So what’s the difference if an author on AFF wants to advertise his/her story on the front page? There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be even slightly acknowledged for all the hard work and effort and time you put into your story.

Authors Who Advertise Stories Already Popular:

When I see authors advertise stories which already have garnered much fame without the advertisement, or a story which they’ve already advertised once or twice before, it gives me the impression that they value popularity over all else. I don’t want to call anyone greedy, because I don’t know him/her personally and therefore don’t have the right to judge him/her. However, I just feel that if you already gain up to a thousand subscribers, why not give someone else a chance, too? Because, chances are, that someone else is feeling the exact same way you felt: under-appreciated.


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Well, the whole buying karma thing isn't necessarily a bad thing because the money is being used as funds to create a mobile app for this site and since a mobile app costs about 20,000$, fundraising needs to happen. So if someone donated some money, they're going to have a lot of karma points depending on how much they donated, because those are one of the things you get when you donate.

And if people can't always advertise via the advertising system on AFF, they can use other means like finding tumblr blogs and reccing their fics on them or having their friends rec their fics to their friends. Yeah, the author may not get as many readers as advertising does, but they'll get some. Especially since some fic rec tumblr blogs can easily have up to a couple hundred to 1000+ followers, so if people make use of outlets like tumblr, they can get more readers if their fics are decent.