Cheesy Quotes

Cheesy quotes 

1. Don't listen to music. 
Because I'll be your music instead.
2. Why is it always that they ask me what the best thing I've ever gotten? How come they never ask who was the best thing that's mine? Because then I can answer, you.
3. I know your eyes aren't that good but as long as you can see me, then it's beyond good.
4. I know your eyes aren't that good but you don't have to wear glasses or contacts. 
Because I'll be your eyes.
5. Stop looking for small sweets to eat. 
Didn't you notice? The biggest and sweetest thing is right next to you.
6. I looked everywhere for you! 
Then why didn't you still find me? Why didn't you check in the most obvious place? 
Your heart.
7. I wish I could catch that big, rare butterfly.
You don't have to. You've already caught the biggest fluttering butterfly, my heart.
8. At first I was looking for some running shoes to catch up with your footsteps. Then after you said yes, I looked for shoes for my heart to catch up yours, now that you left me, I'm looking for wings for my broken heart and your broken heart to meet again.
9. What is your star sign?
next to you star


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ullzang_girl #1
Lol lol yeah 3 and 5 tho haha
Wow~ so cheesy~ cheese overload hehehe~
kimsfangirl #3
OMG, so cheesyyyy
3 and 5. :)