❝domino❞ ▬ form





rate your availability: [how often you go online, in a scale of 1-10]
password: [if you read the rules, you'll know]



name: [your name, can be any language]
race: [your ethnicity here, i don't criticize so be anyone]
age: [range is 19 (96-liner) -above]
birth date:  [month-day-year format following Korean ages]



appearance: [ulzzang only, provide HQ pics]
ulzzang name: [in case i need more pics]
style: [provide links showing how you dress up in these styles: casual, sleepwear, practice wear]



personality: [be as detailed as possible; like how you act in front of authority, family, friends, the person you like, etc]
family: [write something about your family]
history: [this is your life before becoming a trainee/how you decided to be an idol]
trainee history: [how your trainee life went]
training duration: [minimum of 2 years]
likes & dislikes: [no limit for both]
habits & hobbies: [still no limit for both]
trivia: [dominant hand, weak subjects, allergies, etc]



persona: [your image]
stage name: [optional]
position: [bold for first choice and italic for back-up choice]
main vocal lead vocal lead rapper main dancer lead dancer visual
other work: [bold for first choice and italic for back-up choice]
modelling acting DJing VJing producing




friends: [can be anyone in the industry, can't promise they'll all appear though]
love interest: [Hakyeon is taken yo]
meeting: [how did you meet?]
first impression: [very important, lol]



remarks: [if i forgot anything, put it here]
requests: [do you have any?]


source code: [click me for the source code]


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i have finally finished! <3
i hope you like her~
