9Lives Application


Application Form:


Account Info:

Username: brave_purple

Profile Link: PROFILE

What do you want me to call you?: Brianna

Character Info:

Name: Kwon Mi Rae

Age: 20

DOB: 1/05/1991

Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea

Hometown: Incheon

Languages spoken: Korean (fluent), English (conversational)

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Weight: 43kg

Height: 166 cm

Blood Type: B

Appearance: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

Ulzzang/Model name: Jeong Seo Yeong


           Mi Rae is slightly obtuse when it comes to school. She ignores things if she believes its useless information. Her go-with-the-flow attitude makes her impatient sometimes and is more street smart than book smart. She learns by doing and hands on. She tries to use her 'get things done' attitude also to just get things done, but sometimes it backfires. She may not be the smartest person in school, but she does have a side to her that's spontaneous and fun-loving.

          Mi Rae is a girl who is outgoing, excitable, and a risk-taker. She loves to experience new things. She's not afraid to do anything, and always excepts a challenge as she believes she can learn from them and can turn her into a stronger person.  She always gets what she wants, which is not a problem as she can read peoples facial expressions and non-verbal communication. This also helped her develop her good people and communication skills. She can be stubborn and headstrong at times. She an fun-loving person who tends to go with the flow. She doesn't like to be predictable or have the same routine everyday. She doesn't always want to be in the spotlight but does enjoy being  the center of attention. Keeping up with the latest trends and beauty products is one of her hobbies, and she sometimes made trends at her high school.  She doesn't enjoy thinking about the negative side to things though she realizes that not everything or every plan can go perfectly fine. She's a good team player and is fond of virtually everybody. There's only a handful of people she would rather not communicate with. She has a warm and friendly aura with everybody and enjoys making as many friends as possible. She realizes she can't be liked by everybody but this is a negative though her mind tends to skip over this thought.


  • parties/clubs
  • balloons
  • heels
  • magazines
  • go-karts
  • icecream cake
  • malls
  • volleyball
  • cosmetics
  • fashion/clothes
  • hair (like styling it)
  • food
  • circle lenses
  • glasses without lenses


  • school/textbooks
  • theories
  • pessimistic people
  • soda
  • daily routines
  • jellyfish
  • hypocrites
  • watching mystery movies with people
  • losing things
  • losing her train of thought


  • having freestyle battles with guys and her high school or clubs
  • shopping online
  • applying make-up on her younger sister
  • mixing and making music (basically what a DJ does)
  • taking her younger sister to the zoo
  • flirting with the barista at her local cafe
  • experimenting with hairstyles and hair colors


  • Making her eyes extremely wide when she's confused
  • Picking at her food before she eats it (which usually annoys the people eating with her)
  • Whistling a tune that's stuck in her head
  • Crossing her arms when she's thinking
  • She tends to rest her head on the shoulder of the person who is sitting next to her (only if it's a girl)

Fear/Weakness: Weakness - She's very naive/careless | Fear - Somebody will take her for granted


  1. Sings trot
  2. Modeling 
  3. Plays violin


Family Background and past: 

          Mi Rae lived has always lived in Incheon and when she turned 18 she moved to Seoul. Her childhood in Incheon was hectic. Because she was a wild child and loved to do dares and take risks, she got into a lot of trouble. Her mother nagged and scolded her a lot, but that's the reason why she more mature. She's still wild, but she thinks slightly before she takes action. Because her dad is a pharmacist, the house wives in her neighborhood would make fun of their family and her dad. They said things like he was probably not smart enough to become an actual doctor. Her mom got the courage to stand up to them and told them how proud she is of her family and her husband and that there was nothing wrong with being a pharmacist. The wives just stuck their nose up at us and we hand to move to a different neighborhood when she was one. One year later, her sister Hye Ji was born. Mi Rae became protective over her little sister as they grew up. When they became teenagers, she realized they both had lives, so she loosened her grip a bit. Because Mi Rae is a trend setter, she likes to keep her sister up to date, so she takes her shopping and does her hair and make-up a lot. The reason why Mi Rae takes her sister to the zoo is because Hye Ji doesn't like animals while Mi Rae loves them. So she would take her just to annoy her, and at least try to change her mind. Every time they go to the zoo, Hye Ji would throw stuff at the animals and they would get kicked out. And every time they would get punished and their father would hit them with a belt. They were punished and disciplined by being hit, but it was just discipline, not to be mixed with abuse. When she moved to Seoul, it was because she could finally live on her own and she wanted to be close to her company's building and studio. She goes and visits them as much as she can though.

Family members

Kwon Jung Ah | Mother ||43|| Elementary teacher || ALIVE || Her mother is somewhat uptight and strict but she's gentle towards her family and she's a person who's not afraid to stand up for what's right.

Kwon Min Sung | Father ||45|| Pharmacist || ALIVE || He's actually a reserved man who is very hardworking and is only close with his family and co-workers.

Kwon Hye Ji | Younger Sister ||16|| High School Student || ALIVE || Her sister was is somewhat spoiled and only likes to hang out with her friends and she's a little carefree as well.



Stage Name: M.Ra (pronounced Mora)


  1. Supporting Vocalist, Main Dancer (Hyoyeon)
  2. Supporting Vocalist, Lead Dancer (Sooyoung)
  3. Supporting Vocalist, Lead Dancer (Yoona)

Proof that you should have the position: Dancing Link | Dancing Link | Singing Link

Persona: Midnight Party

Trainee story: 

     In her first years of training, she would host dance and rap competition in the studio amongst the trainees. It acted as if it was a real underground competition. When the President found out they were doing so, he scolded all that participated, including her, and told them to stop slacking off. Mi Rae would always be the one to lift up the mood in amongst the trainees and raise every body spirits even when they were tired. While working on the set for KTF Soribada, which was her first CF, the director and stylist were complimenting her on how pretty she was. Before filming started, the stylist asked if she had any other talents other than being able to act in CFs. Mi Rae answered saying she sometimes have freestyle battles with the boys in her Junior High school. The stylist just nodded and went to tell the director. While shooting the scene, the director called his hoobae, who is a talent scout. He told her about how she was pretty and apparently she could rap. The scout asked if he could hear her, so the director put him on speaker phone and called Mi Rae over. The stylist asked Mi Rae to show them how she can rap, so she rapped the few lines from Shinhwa's Perfect Man, while also throwing in some dance moves. The scout spoke "wow" into the phone which scared her. The director gave the phone to Mi Rae and the scout told Mi Rae about the company having an audition next week. She was so excited and for the whole week she did nothing but write a rap section to Lee Hyori's 10 Minutes break down. She tried to practice the dance to while also rapping. She stumbled a bit, but her rap was fine. She auditioned with that routine, but the company turned her down saying the rap was fine, but her dance skills were awkward. Never turning down a challenge, she practiced for a whole month with dance lessons. When the company started to audition again, she composed a rap by herself, music included. She practiced long and hard and her dance teacher helped choreograph a dance to fit the rap. She practiced the routine for another week and auditioned once again. Wowed by her determination and hard work, they passed her. She has been a trainee for a total of six years.

Trainee background: CF | She worked as a DJ on the weekends | She also had photo shoots for fashion retail companies




  • Tiffany - SNSD
  • Dongwoo - Infinite
  • Taecyeon - 2pm 
  • L.Joe - Teen Top
  • Jiyoon - 4minute

Best Friends:

  • Hara - Kara

Best Friend from SNSD: Yoona


  1. Woohyun - Infinite
  2. Wooyoung - 2pm 
  3. Thunder - MBLAQ


  1. Sunggyu - Infinite
  2. Dongho - U-Kiss
  3. Seungri - Big Bang

Crush personality: He likes to joke around a lot with other people. He can lighten any mood, especially with his killer smile. He usually has to be stopped from doing something embarassing(ly funny) and his playfulness can sometimes get out of control. What he's feeling easily shows through his facial expressions even though he tries his hardest to hide them. He's caring towards the people he's close to even though he may not show it all the time.

Admirer Personality: He can joke around and have fun if he wants to, but most of the time he is pretty laid back. He's also gentle even though he tends to nag people a lot. He may seem like a serious person on the outside but there's only a few moments when he actually is. He likes to playfully tease people as well.

Rival: N/A

Password: DomoFilipino 



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