I Hate My Life

okay so this is like a rant...


So like school has been bombarding me with work and I can barey even try to complete my chapter for that SHINee app fic from like Nov.? and like I just had a HUGE fight will most of my friends and they won't even talk to me and are like ignoring me... and spreading rumors about me (That's very mature, ) and like Chris and I got in a huge fight with his parents, so they are sending him to GwangJu -___- and not only that, they changed his citizenship AGAIN so now he has to do 2 years of service. And he's leaving next month. And the only people I didn't fight with, isn't here right now, she's in NY; the other one is still jet lagged and i haven't seen them for weeks. oh yeah, there was ice all over the ground, so when I went outside to get the newspaper, I slipped on it and now my ankle is sprained. I have a track meet next Monday, too. Oh joyous, that works out. And I have this major grade power point presentation on the stupidest topic ever: HOBOS. WTH?? Damn... oh yeah I had a tumblr and gave it to my friend and I can't log on to rant ther so I'll rant here. Oh yeah fb doesn't work too cause it was disabled. I love~~~~ my life. Oh yeah there's much worse, i just refuse to post it here -___-


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xenosfive422 #1
@FairytalePerfection haha yeah >.< but I'm cool~ now and one of my friends and I are good now so yeah~ thanks for your concern ;)<br />
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@yMin aww *hugs* yeah its just bad time right now but I'm okay and I just needed to rant somewhere and yeah ranted to my other friend.. thank you for your concern :))
FairytalePerfection #2
Wow. You have had a really bad day. I don't think I've ever had a day that bad.