
What do you do when someone broke You down so many times, called You names and snatched Your soul/heart away (Not really But you get it.. Hopefully)

They tell you they will be there for you, But when you ask for help. They push you away like you mean nothing to them. Why must they tell you "I will always be there for you." And than when you DO need their help they stand there and watch you break?
   Well let me tell you from my point of View..

Someone recently did that to me..

They told me they will be there for me, they told me when I needed them they would be there. But When I really needed the person they turned their backs, They just stood there and watched me bleed. When I'm broken down, the one time I ask them for help.. They don't help me. 

  But I'm always the one HELPING them when they need help, I'm always the one helping them. I'm always cheering them up and picking them up when they fall. But when I fall down, They arent there to help, They aren't there to cheer me up.

Why is that? I don't know.


Now a note to the person I'm talking about... (Don't read if you don't want to.. none of you are THIS person!)

I picked you up when you fell, I cheered you up, at your basketball games I cheered the loudest for you.. I was always there when you needed me.

But the one time I asked for you to help me, To pick me up when I fell, to cheer me up when I feel like I want to cry. But you just leave me there.. You leave me here to bleed to death..
Don't you care about me? Don't you love me?


Was everything a lie? Was everything you said was a lie? Was I the only one blinded with this lie, When you never cared....
Thank you for leaving me alone, For killing me mentaly..

I just hope you know that when You need me most..

 I wont' be there. Because you killed me off, you killed me mentaly..

And now I want nothing to do with you.. Because if you can't even be there when I need you, Whats the point in staying by your side?

I always told you this didn't I ---> "I'm just waiting for you to look for me from this hiding spot." <--- So why didn't you come and found me? You spent your whole time counting?

Or did you not even start?

Well I'm done waiting for you, This game of hide and seek is done..

I'm done waiting for you, who I know will never come..



Broken Mirror:


I stared past the mirror, The broken mirror that was already so cracked I can barely see myself. Blood at my fingers, I try to clean the mirror, but It doesn’t work… I only get more and more mirror pieces, cuts on my fingers and hands. I felt warm liquid coming down my cheek and my arms. It dripped on the floor, Staining the carpet with my crimson red blood, I didn’t bother cleaning it.

The mirror of my life was forever broken, The happy me staring through a broken mirror in the room… as I said goodbye to the child, the happy child I once was, with tears rolling down my cheeks I spread my blood on my shirt..

I whipped my tears away and turned to walk away.. As the Mirror exploded behind me… The mirror of me, the childhood I lived, My happiness and My love



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