Merry Christmas Plus A Letter

Merry Christmas to my AFF family. I was wanting to make a long and thoughtful blog post, but I am not good with words. I am the terrible at expressing how I feel in the correct way. I just want to thank you all for everything. It may have been your story comments, wall posts, friend request, message, or advice. Which ever one it was, I thank you. Every little thing makes me happy. I have met some amazing people on here. You all know who you are.

Here's a letter....




Dear Unni.

You were the first one I've ever talked to on AFF. You gave me some of the best advice. You've always told me to hold my head up high and don't let others get to me or put me down. I don't know what I would be like if I never 'met' you. You're an amazing person. You're beautiful and I love you. Thank you so much for everything you've ever done for me. I hate that we have to live so far away. (even though it's a few states) Since I majorly at expressing my emotions, I wish I could just be there and give you a giant hug. You mean more to me than you know. Sometimes, the things you send to me make me cry because they're so sweet.

I'm so cheesy. See, this is why I do better expressing with actions instead of words.

Seriously, though. You mean a lot to me. Don't ever go away. Please never change. <3


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:') ♥♥♥ this isn't cheesy at all