I'm going to start a new roleplay

So, as some of you know or recall, I created a Kpop Facebook based roleplay a while back that ran for 2 years and had been extremely successful and wonderful. Well, I took that one down because I had run out of time to be able to properly admin it and the other admins hadn't really done that good of a job....


Well, I've got plenty of time now to be able to do it, and I've really been wanting to join another RP, but none of the ones they've got are really my thing.

Therefore, I've got no choice but to once again, open my own RP! Aren't you all so excited?! (sarcasm)


No, but seriously. It's gonna be tons of fun and it'll be a chance to not only get to meet alot of people, but to get to write with a lot of you as well. I'm going to post up the "story" about it soon (on my next day off from work) and I want all of you to check it out and to join! :D It'll be lots of fun, I swear!


And if any of my subscribers join, I'll reward you by writing you a fic request! 


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Sounds interesting!
I'll think about joining, if you allow girls. ^^
Awesome! Can't wait to look and check it out :)