Another project for this summer

I need to re-learn this aria. Yes, relearn. I could sing it once but I haven't practiced singing for a while. Gotta start again. My neighbours are gonna love me this summer. 



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bookworm83197 #1
All I saw was that this is an aria and I'm like JFKE;AIE;OAWJFE;WAMFEAEFW YOU ARE A MAGICAL BEING FOR BEING ABLE TO SING THIS I BOW DOWN TO YOUR CELESTIAL POWERS *worships* lol, I couldn't hold a note to save my life. :P
yeah, your neighbors are going to love you this summer. You should start charging them rent to sit on your lawn and listen! XD
SapphireSelliegh #2
I'm an idiot and forgot the last part of the message and just sent it like herp-a-derp
SapphireSelliegh #3
I really don't think your neighbors should hate you~ I would find it quite hilarious to hear at random parts of the day, so long as you mixed up which aria (arias? What's the plural form of that?)you sang throughout the day as a practice~*
SapphireSelliegh #4
O . O what the actual . I think I have you figured out and then BAM NOPE I KNOW NOTHING.

...... Angry rant aside, dooooooooooooooooo itttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt~! I want to learn to do that. Could you imagine the High Notes I could hit and hold in songs if I could do that........ Damn that's impressive.

Was that in Dutch? I could pick out some words which sounded similar to I'm assuming their German counterparts. Ah speaking of German I've been a bad boy and haven't studied for a while. TT . TT German and French studying might be my tomorrow task, because tonight I'm on editing mode.

I really don't think your neighbors should hate you~ I would find it quite hilarious to hear at random parts of the day, so long as you mixed up which aria (arias? What's the plural form of that?)