wow hahaha

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted a blog here in AFF. Haha. Anyways, life update! Well, I've already started college already and so far, so good. Hahaha. But it's really tiring since I use public transportations in going to Uni. 

Then, kpop! Well tbh i'm very outdated already. Idk but not that i'm not a fan anymore. It's just that things happen. I think I will be concentrating more now in my studies since I'm in college already. But I do still watch some kpop vids, read some news/gossips and anything related. I just don't update myself so much with kpop nowadays so yeah. 


So tell me, how are you guys? :)


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Ooh I hope college is going great for you! I know how you feel, haven't really had any time to catch up with kpop stuff so it's sort of getting left behind, but I still like to listen to it and that.
I'm not updated with kpop either. xD Good to hear from you by the way. I'm good. ^^
Nice to hear from you!
fighting with your studies :D
What are you studying?