Kai,I'm Hurt

so masa aku dpt tau pasal Kai dating dgn Bomi(in which I believe it just a rumor created by stupid fans) aku tgh tulis The Forgotten Chapter 2...seriously,tetibe hilang mood aku nak tulis wehhhh Bc dh la kai tuh ultimate bias aku..Sedih laaa..tp kalo betol dia dating dgn Bomi Apink,aku just harap diaorg hepi slalu and tak byk sgt drama cm BaekYeon..hihihi..


I'm Hurt..


But Im happy if you're happy even without me..


Saranghaja..Exo..We Are ONE!!


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Aq pun da trbca kat fb sal ni. Betul ka tu? aq hrap x bab Kai tu my ultimate bias huuaahh sdih la lau mcm ni but i owez want him to be happy so i can only wish for the best for him. EXO SARANGHAJA!
dulu kte Bomi tu ex Chen...skang dating ngn Kai pulak..ha3 kelakar kot...hope x btul..*praying hard*