Fanfics and Kris

Does anyone else notice that a lot of people are going on break from there fanfic? Or just not update it at all? 

And AFF is starting to lack in fanfics, there's not a lot of fanfics anymore.

Maybe I just read a lot, but I can't find anymore good fanfics. 


And another thing, I've noticed so many fans are saying Kris is leaving or Kris left.

Excuse me but Kris never left... Kris filed a lawsuit but he didn't leave. There is nothing and was nothing confirmed about him leaving. Kris and SM made a statement from I can remmber, they said that he wouldn't leave. Just because he files a lawsuit he won't leave. An SM artist in the past also filed a lawsuit and didn't leave what makes you guys think Kris is leaving? Kris is filiming a movie in China but that has nothing do with him leaving. 

Also heard that Kris and SM were planning to meet up and negotiate or something soon. 

Then theres the rumor about someone going to take Kris's place. I'm okay with him taking Kris's place, bash all you want I'm okay with it. EXO won't be the same and all, but it's not exactly a bad thing. I know it's just rumors but if it's true and Kris is 'leaving' then I'm okay with it. Though the person replacing him is younger than Sehun, it's okay. I just feel bad for the kid because he's going to get so much hate. 

There was a recent picture and it was Kris with his co star in the movie, he was smiling. I'm happy thats he's happy. So can people please stop whining? It gets to the point where it's annoying. 


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I know and I agree exo will never be the same. If someone takes Kris spot I don't think I will ever see exo the same again ever.
Speaking of the movie, the director has asked for people to stop spreading Kris' pictures or Kris is going to be kicked out of the movie! So if you see people doing that, let them know! It would be horrible that he loses his chance at an acting career because fans can't listen to what a director says!

And yes I also noticed a lot of people are taking breaks when this whole thing started, but not me! I'm still writing! And I'm not doing like other's who are going to stop adding Kris in their fanfics. Kris is and forever will be a part of EXO, whether he leaves or not or if he's replaced. He's our Galaxy and we can't live without our Galaxy!